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Suyin had enough of Renjun

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Suyin had enough of Renjun . She lost all patience within her. He has been hiding so many secrets recently and it's been driving her crazy.

School ended and she immediately trailed behind the boy. Renjun had his earphones in and was minding his own business. Unknown to him, she followed his footsteps and her legs ached struggling to keep up with his fast pace. A bundle of questions kept on arriving as she eyed the dodgy looking area.

The boy kept on swerving in and out of different alleys. It felt like she was in a maze. A whole eternity until she spotted a large mansion afar. Her eyebrows naturally knitted and she narrowed her pupils puzzled why he was making way into a rich mansion.

Nonetheless she stayed behind peeking past the gates slightly. Her eyes never left the boy and as soon as he stepped foot into the place she ran at high speed before the door could shut.

In awe her jaw dropped as she admired the interior designs. She forgot her main purpose of why she entered in the first place and began to roam around in a direction she didn't know.

After a minute of mesmerizing the mansion she froze on the spot. "Shit. . . Renjun '' She let out a small irritated whine and twisted on her heels. However her breath hitched when her eyes fell on a pair of shoes.

A tall figure lurked in front, her eyes trailed up to his face to see him overshadowing her petite frame.

"Uh . . I-uh . . Hi?" she let out an innocent smile raising her hand waving at the older looking boy.

"Please let me go" she cried out looking down at the floor. She didn't have the confidence to look up at the many eyes that fell on her. "Doyoung what was she doing?"

He let out a sigh. "I just saw her walking around, that's all. She didn't do anything" Suyin felt slightly relieved, hoping that she could get out of the place as soon as possible.

"She doesn't look like she is from a gang. Maybe she's a thief?" Her eyes widened in shock and she waved both hands in front of her. "No I'm not" But they blatantly ignored her and began interrogating the girl.

Suyin felt overwhelmed by them all questioning her and rummaging through her stuff. "Jaehyun, have you found anything?"

The boy was looking through her bag and lifted a book out. "Suyin. Her name is Huang Suyin"

"Where have I heard that from?"

"Can I leave?" she piped in.

"No!" Doyoung shouted, making her flinch and move back further into the sofa. Suddenly the door to the room opened revealing a 15 year old boy entering in.

"Suyin?" Instantly she glanced up to see Renjun making way towards her. Without thinking she stood up and ran towards him. The tears she held back finally escaped and she wrapped her arms around Renjun's neck crying into his shoulder. His eyes widened and he comforted her by rubbing her back gently. "Hey it's ok. Don't worry" he softly spoke into her ear.

Renjun just looked at all the older boys and glared at them. "She's my cousin"

"I was freaking scared Jun. I never felt that petrified in my life." She yelled as they both walked back home.

Suyin stopped crying as soon as she left the mansion. It scared the living shit out of her being surrounded by so many boys. Renjun sighed and kicked pebbles that were in his way.

Suddenly the girl stopped and turned back facing him. "Explain," she demanded, tapping her foot impatiently. Renjun bit back his bottom lip. It was too early to tell her anything but he had no choice. He practically got caught.

"I'm in a gang, Suyin. You've heard of it. NCT." She stayed quiet, processing everything. It all makes sense now. "And that's why you also get into fights?" she raised her left eyebrow.

Renjun faced down as guilt flowed through his system. Then suddenly she gasped and her eyes began to shake.

"Do you k-kill people?" she stuttered seeing Renjun as a whole different person. He looked up and couldn't respond. "That's why you said it wasn't your blood. Y-you kill people!" she took deep breaths holding her chest. She slowly took a step back away from him.

Her eyes shook, unable to see Renjun the same as always. He wasn't the sweet and innocent cousin she always knew.

"I'm sorry" that's all the boy could say.

"Suyin?" he banged on her door the nth time. The girl had been ignoring the boy for the past 2 days. Renjun began to feel distant from his cousin. "Suyin, please talk" he begged. Other than small muffling sounds from the other side he got no response.

"Are you mad?" he softly asked, losing hope. This time footsteps closed towards the door and it flung open. Suyin pulled him inside and shut it. Without saying a word the girl laid down on her bed cocooning inside the duvet. Renjun stood still near her bedroom door watching her afar.

He slowly walked closer and perched down on the edge of her bed waiting patiently. "No, I'm not mad. I'm just upset you hid it from me" she eventually replied. "And I don't want you to get hurt." Renjun sighed and nodded.

"I won't" scoffing the girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. I'm just worried I might lose you as well. We already lost granny. Can you not stop?" hoping he would respond with the words she was looking for she examined his features. But all she could do was groan and cover her face with her duvet after realising that his answer was something she didn't want to hear.

Renjun bit his lips feeling terriblee. "Just don't get hurt." he heard her speak under the duvet. His eyes widened and he pulled the cover off her face. "You're ok with it," he smiled.

"Don't die! Or I will kill you myself!" she raised her hand punching the air. A chuckle left his lips and he embraced the girl. "Thanks sis"

"Yeah I'm not your sister. I'm your cousin" she corrected like he always did. "Whatever"

"Jun?" She sat up straight blinking a few times. The boy tilted his head waiting for her to speak. "Teach me how to fight"

"Oh hell no!"

"Oh hell no!"

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