Episode 87: You and I

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It was their last free day before classes and there was a big party being held by the elite's of the country. Which means that the girls were forced to be there like the last time, but hopefully with less drama.

It's been almost a month since the girls were official and it's seriously disgusting how happy they are. They can't keep their hands to themselves nor being away from each other.

Tonight looks like it won't be any different. Lisa is already dressed for the occasion and waiting for her girlfriend to get out of the bathroom. It seems like it's always that way unless Lisa doesn't wanna go, she's the slower one on those times.

"I'm done." Chaeyoung said while getting out of the bathroom all dressed up and Lisa couldn't help but to stare dumbly at her.

Too beautiful.

"No, go change. You're too beautiful." Lisa seriously said while trying to shove Chaeyoung back into her bathroom.

But she knew Lisa was joking and rolled her eyes while escaping Lisa.

"Look who's talking. Now let's go before they start to yell at us." Chaeyoung said while opening her door and Lisa followed her.

They made their way towards the living room where the other two were waiting for them.

"It was about time." Jennie said while getting up and taking her purse.

"I feel like a died a little bit waiting for you." Jisoo said while stretching her limbs.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and went out of the house. The rest of the girls followed her to where the limo was. It wasn't like they couldn't drive, but their parents wants to show off, even with their daughters.

Once they were inside, the settled and opened a bottle of wine.

"Do you think our friends will be there?" Jisoo asked them while taking a sip from her glass.

Jennie nodded knowingly and continued drinking.

"I mean, most of them will." Lisa agreed and purred some more wine before emptying the bottle.

"Is this a virgin wine? I can't feel the alcohol." Lisa added while taking a sip.

"It is, I think our parents know that we would arrived tipsy or wasted." Jennie chuckled and put her empty glass away.

"They literally gave us grape juice." Chaeyoung said while laughing and the girls let out some giggles.

Soon, they arrived at their destination and the door was open for them. Lisa was the first one to get off and was greeted with camera flashes that almost blinded her.

Either way, she extended her hand to the girls so they could get out. Once they were all out, they partnered up and started walking towards the entrance.

Putting on some fake smiles to the press and praying that they won't end with permanent damage to their corneas.

"Finally!" Jennie exclaimed when they entered the building and were away from the camera flashes.

The party was boring as always. Pretentious people trying to show off everywhere. Even when some of them don't have a thing to show off, they still did it. Which was very fake and obvious.

But the girls were glad when they spotted a second party upstairs. Their friends were there and the music was better. They weren't dying inside anymore with the Titanic song playing.

"Hello bitches." Jennie greeted them with a wide smile. It's been too long since she has socialize with them and she missed it.

Some of the chuckled and laughed with the way Jennie approached them. While Irene rolled her eyes at her, but secretly she wanted to laugh as well.

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