Episode 39: I shouldn't

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[Third POV]

The night started on the wrong foot for some people with the sight of Chaelisa back hugging each other, but then it started to get better when the beer arrived to their table.

The half moon table was now full with all the girls.


They were drinking, eating and talking to each other. Not noticing that they were already tipsy and some were already reaching their max point.

"Let's make a toast before someone pass out." Jennie said while standing a little too fast. She then felt the world spinning.

"Meaning you." Lisa said and the girls started to laugh.

"Shut up, I shouldn't get up too fast, but I'm fine monkey." Jennie said in a mocking way while rolling her eyes at Lisa.

Lisa shakes her head.

"To our finished semester and to our new friends." Jennie said while raising her beer and the rest of them raised their beers too.

Then, they click their beers together and drank the whole bottle in one go.

Their way of celebrating.

"Oh God! I should know my limits." Yeri whined as she finished drinking her bottle in one go.

"I swear if you start to vomit, I won't help you." Wendy said backing away a little from Yeri just in case.

Yeri sat down and close her eyes.

"Wendy is the best friend I could ever ask." Yeri sarcastically said and the girls chuckled by that.

"You're gonna regret that later." Wendy scoffed at her and continue to eat some chips.

Meanwhile, Seulgi was having a great time with Jisoo. They were talking non-stop all night. They were in their own world. Forgetting that it was a gathering and not a date.

Then, we have Joy and Rosé. They are now better after a few drinks. Turns out, Joy gets happy when she's drinking and that works in favor of Rosé since she doesn't have to deal with Joy's jealousy anymore.

Rosé is even happy with this side of Joy.

On the other hand, Irene is having a blast with Jennie and Lisa. She appreciates Jennie's friendship and can even say that she rather be with Jennie than with some people of her own group. But she won't admit that in front of the others. Also, having Lisa with them is always a pleasure.

"I'm getting us one last combo because I don't think they can handle more after that." Irene said pointing to Yeri and Joy. She then started to make her way to the bartender.

"That's gonna be handful later on." Lisa commented while looking at the drunk girls.

"So... Do you hug all your friends like you hugged Rosé?" Jennie whispered to Lisa and the latter knew Jennie was gonna tease her non-stop.

So she choose to just follow her teasing.

"If my friends wants me to hug them. I will do it without a problem." Lisa smoothly replied to Jennie.

"Why? Do you want a hug?" Lisa added and smiled to Jennie.

Jennie rolled her eyes because her attempt of teasing Lisa failed.

"No, thank you." Jennie said and continue to drink her beer.

Lisa laughed a little.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Try not to pass out." Jennie said to Lisa while standing up.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Lisa asked her before she goes.

"No, I can pee by myself." Jennie mockingly said to Lisa and left.

"Why can't she be nice to me like she is with Irene." Lisa said to no one in particular and took a sip of her beer.

"That's because your friendships are totally different. Jennie feels comfortable talking about deep things with Irene. Like serious and girly stuff. With you Jennie feels safe. To the point of knowing that no matter how you treat or tease each other... you would always be there for her. Like someone permanent on her life." Wendy said to Lisa. Leaving the latter speechless.

Who would have thought those two would become very close. Maybe they will be permanent on each others life like Wendy said. Because we know some people are meant to pass by, but others are meant to stay.

After processing Wendy's words. Lisa spoke.

"Are you studying psychology?" Lisa asked her and Wendy laughed.

"I'm thinking about it." Wendy replied to Lisa.

They continue talking about random stuff and the holidays. Surprisingly, they all are having a good time. No one is jealous, sad, mad or anything like that. It has been a good night so far.

"Why Jennie is taking too long in the bathroom?" Lisa asked wondering about Jennie's whereabouts.

"I don't think she's on her red days." Rosé said and everyone laughed at how blunt tipsy Rosé is.

"I'll check on her. You guys should stop drinking. I'm not gonna carry any of you." Lisa said to the girls. Specifically referring to Yeri, Wendy, Joy and Rosé.

They are now way too tipsy or drunk.

"I'll watch them." Seulgi said to Lisa and the latter nodded.

Lisa started to make her way towards the bathroom. Trying to not bump into anyone in the crowd. Once she reached the bathroom, she entered and started to search all the bathroom stalls.

"Jennie." Lisa called every time she knocked on the bathroom doors.

"Where the fuck are you."

Lisa went out when she couldn't find Jennie in the bathroom. Feeling anxious already, she started to roamed around some halls of the club. She had a feeling that something was wrong.

"I shouldn't have left you go alone."

She continues to walk and knock on every door of the halls while calling for Jennie. When suddenly she hears a muffled scream. That's when Lisa turned to the far hallway on the left. In every step Lisa made, she could hear more clearly the muffled scream.

Lisa didn't waste any more time and started jogging. Searching for the person who was screaming. Only to find herself in the end of the hallway with two guys guarding the door.

The door that contained the person who was screaming. That scream is now clearly to Lisa, but she wishes it wasn't because it was in fact... Jennie's screams.


Hey guys! The next chapters will be a little different and with a lot of Jenlisa. But don't worry Chaelisa will come soon.


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