Episode 8: A night in the water

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[Jisoo POV]

I cannot believe what I have just presence. The little dumpling forgot that it was a dare of ten seconds and though it was like one of her make out sessions.

Rosé is also in shock for their lasting kiss. She is forming an 'O' shape in her mouth right now. I guess she really didn't expect that. I mean who could? Lisa and Jennie were never that friendly so is something new.

"You should have stop us at the ten seconds!!" Jennie whisper to me but I think the other girls could hear her.

"You looked very comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you" I tease her because why not? And she didn't reply to me.

She blushed a little more so I guess I'm not wrong after all.

"Rosé aren't you jealous because Jennie just kiss your girlfriend?" I asked her because I wanted to know if they are really just friends. Sometimes they look more than that so I'm curious.

"What?! Lisa is not my girlfriend. Who could be her girlfriend when she is so annoying?" she reply while rolling her eyes causing Lisa to send her a deadly glare.

Lisa stood up and approach Rosé who is looking at her like 'what the heck do you want'. Lisa then sit on her lap and put her arms around Rosé's neck.

"Baby why are you denying me? I thought you wanted to come clean" Lisa said while sending her a wink.

They are really something.

"Get off me Lisa before I push you to the pool" Rosé reply and I can see that she is sort of annoying by the monkey.

"That's not what you did to me the other day in my bed—"

Lisa couldn't finish her sentence because she was push off from Rosé's lap to the pool that is right besides us. She didn't see that coming because of the way she fell was just hilarious. She almost did a complete backflip while going down the pool. She should try synchronized swimming perhaps.

Honestly this is two don't care that we are here and are being themselves.

"I told you to get off so it's not my fault" Rosé said while laughing at loud. This time Jennie and I starting laughing with the chipmunk.

"I could have died chipmunk!!!" Lisa said while holding her chest inside the pool.

She looks funny and hot at the same time. The thing that I can't miss is that her bangs are intact. Like are the glued or something? What the heck did she put on her perfect bangs? Are they waterproof?

"Don't be so dramatic. If I am not mistaken you like being in the water" Rosé reply to her while extending her hand to help Lisa off the pool.

Lisa took this opportunity to drag the chipmunk inside the water with her. Rosé literally fell on top of Lisa almost drowning the both of them. Jennie and I got worried a little but when they come out for air and started laughing we did the same.

Those kids.

"I still wonder what the two of you are waiting to join us" Lisa said to us and I admit I wanted to jump in the pool for a while now.

So we decided to jump in the pool too and was headed to the chipmunk when I realize... That Jennie is barely moving. She is like almost drowning with only her nose outside the water for breathing while her extremities are moving like an octopus.

This pool is very deep for a short person like her.

Lisa went to help the dumpling while a regain my breath since I only notice when I was near the others. When she reached her, Jennie almost drown Lisa to get out a little more out of the water to breath. It was like a cat in the water looking for a way to get out.

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