Episode 88: El Final

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Lisa didn't actually know what was she doing. Improvising wasn't her thing unless it was dancing. That, she could do with her eyes closed but singing...

Let's just say she didn't feel comfortable singing nor she liked her voice for that matter, but she wanted to make a point and maybe in the future it could help her girlfriend to have confidence.

Or thrust in herself.

So when Lisa picked up the microphone from the little fancy stage, her heart was racing faster than a Ferrari. That's without mentioning that she left Chaeyoung all confused besides the beautiful piano.

Looking a little worried for what the Thai was about to do.

"Hi everyone! May I have your attention for a moment?" Lisa said trying to sound confident and cheerful.

That's when everyone turned to look at her. She could barely register the crowd because she doesn't like to look at them in the eye and she prefers to focus on her task at hand.

"This party was made with the intention to cheer us up. To start the semester with confidence and new partnerships." Lisa started while trying to focus on her girlfriend.

The terrifying look she had was priceless for Lisa, but it's not like it was Chaeyoung on the stage.

"Someone said a long time ago that you have to stop being scared and go for it. Either way it would work or it won't. That's life after all." She continued to give her improvised speech while she found some familiar faces amongst the crowd.

She even saw two adults that would only make her more nervous but she will deal with it after.

"Confidence is not hoping people would like me. Confidence is knowing I'll be fine if they don't. So I invite all of you to thrust in yourself and go for it." Lisa finished.

Surprisingly, the crowd started clapping and cheering. It was a relief, but Lisa wasn't even finished.

Not the real deal.

Lisa walked towards the music station next to the stage and whispered something to them. In a few seconds all the musicians gathered in the stage waiting for Lisa's signal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the show and please consider to donate to the University of Musical Prodigy's here in Korea." Lisa lastly said before the lights of the room turned dim and the music started to sound.

It was all very familiar to Chaeyoung. Starting from the beautiful melody to her girlfriend singing one of their childhood songs.

"L is for the way you look at me"

It was imposible for Chaeyoung to not feel flustered because Lisa directly pointed at her. It was clearly dedicated to Chaeyoung and she swears she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"O is for the only one I see"

Chaeyoung had to admit that Lisa belongs in the stage because she could pull everything off. Even the little details like covering her eyes comically with her hands to demonstrate that she only see her.

"V is very, very extraordinary"

It was indeed, very extraordinary how their friendship evolved into something so beautiful. Something you read in books or see in movies.

"E is even more than anyone that you adore can"

She doubts that she will adore anyone more than she adores Lisa because she have found the perfect match for her.

"Love is all that I can give to you"

Something that Chaeyoung has always felt from Lisa is love. Even when they weren't together, Lisa protected her from the world and would give anything to make her happy.

"Love is more than just a game for two"

She knew from the moment that Lisa entered her life what love was. Love is to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.

"Two in love can make it"

But when two people have faith in their love, nothing can stop it from growing and lasting. As long as they commit to each other, they can surpass any process that might come in their way.

"Take my heart and please don't break it"

It's up to them to care for each other's heart's. To care for evey little detail that can make a difference in the fate of their relationship.

"Love was made for me and you"

She couldn't have heard something and agreed so much because everything felt made for them right in this moment. She couldn't pass the opportunity to reciprocate everything Lisa has made her feel tonight.

So Chaeyoung joined her in the piano and her angelic voice started blessings everyone's ears.

"L is for the way you look at me"

It was a pleasant surprise for Lisa that her girlfriend joined her. That wasn't her intention but she's glad that they are in this together. It's always better when the person you love is with you.

"O is for the only one I see"

Locking eyes while singing together was out of this world. A connection between a musician and an artist was a unique. But then again, what they have is very unique.

"V is very, very extraordinary"

That uniqueness makes everything feel very extraordinary. To the point where you can't describe it because you won't do it justice. You just have to live it to feel it.

"E is even more than anyone that you adore can"

Once you feel it with the person that you most adore, there's no coming back. There's only more craving for it. It comes out of nowhere and you end up in an unexpected life. But the unexpected can also be the best thing that ever happened in your life.

"Love is all that I can give to you"

"Love is more than just a game for two"

"Two in love can make it"

"Take my heart and please don't break it"

"Love was made for me and you"

"Love was made for me and you"

"Love was made for me and you"

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