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Chapter 11 The Little Dragon Girl of the East China Sea Dragon Palace [10]

    Mother Long took Wu Youyou and left the mysterious capital Yujing.

    Because the conditions offered by the old man Dongxu were too attractive, the Dragon King and his wife were so shocked that they had forgotten to educate their children. When they met at home, they directly discussed whether or not to send Wu Youyou to the capital of Yujing as a teacher.

    Actually, if there was no pervert (?) staring at the simple little dragon like her daughter, the mother dragon would definitely agree on the spot!

    It's too dangerous outside! Today Yoyo is just going out to find Yan Qiao to play! Can let Prince Ling Heng be abducted to the mysterious capital Yujing!

    If you really go to the mysterious capital Yujing, the emperor is far away today... I really don't know what maddening Prince Ling Heng will do!


    the temptation for the old man to accept disciples is really great! !

    He has confiscated his apprentice for more than three thousand years! ! Still a closed disciple! ! Yo-yo, this is simply lucky! !

    There are pros and cons to accepting disciples by the old man in the hole, and it is difficult for the Dragon King and his wife to decide for a while.

    However, after a lively discussion all night, the Donghai Dragon King and his wife finally came to the conclusion-send!

    Wouldn't it be a delay to the child if he didn't send such a good opportunity to learn from a teacher? !

    Must send! Send it immediately! Deliver it without stopping!

    Prince Ling Heng or something! Just let Yoyo pay attention! !

    Did Prince Ling Heng dare to come hard with us in the East China Sea Dragon Palace! Can't make a hard bow to Yoyo Overlord? !

    With so lucky (?) Psychological, Dragon King to bring countless treasures, to the mysterious Yu Jing thank all the virtual hole old man. At the same time, determine the time for the youngest daughter to enter school.


    Tongxu old man through divination, calculated a good time and place, and the best day——October 18th.

    On October 18th, Ao You, the little dragon girl of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, will formally worship the old man in Dongxu as his closed disciple.

    Once this news came out, the Three Realms and Six Paths were in an uproar!

    Dongxu old man accepts disciples again?

    Is it still closed disciples? !

    Remember that the last closed disciple accepted by the old man Dong Xu was Prince Ling Heng! It's really a brace twice, bah, the door is closed twice!

    When everyone was talking about it, they also reviewed the resumes of the five apprentices of Elder Dongxu by the way-the first apprentice was Taishang Daojun of Shangqingjing, the second apprentice was Prince Manjusri of Jinwutai, and the third apprentice was Feng. The clan prince Yunzhuo, the fourth apprentice is Buzhou Mountain Houtu Xianjun, and the fifth apprentice is the Jiuzhongtian Lingheng prince.

    After the review, everyone felt even more incredible!

    The little dragon girl in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, looking at her mediocre aptitude, and her identity is not very noble, why did the old man with Xuxu fall in love with her? !

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