Chapter 143

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Chapter 143 Harm! Cultivation of immortals is not the same thing [27]

    For the current Ling Changting, opening the barrier of Spiritual Cultivation Mountain is simply a trivial matter.

    Effortlessly broke the barrier of Lingxiu Mountain, Ling Changting and Wu Youyou left Lingxiu Mountain with Mao Er.

    Mao Da already had his own family, and the children were still young, so he didn't go with them.

    After coming out of Lingxiu Mountain, Ling Changting and Wu Youyou found that the outside world was like the end of the world.

    The once lucid waters and lush mountains, birds and flowers, have long disappeared.

    Wu Youyou looked at the dead place outside in disbelief, and said, "Master, something doesn't seem right outside..."

    Ling Changting frowned and said, "This familiar scorched air... If I'm not mistaken , I am afraid that Taotie broke free from the seal and escaped."

    Hearing the word "taotie", Wu Youyou's heart couldn't help but "squeak": "But Cuiya was not killed by you sixty years ago. Is it?!"

    "Cui Ya is only the avatar of Taotie, not its body." Ling Changting replied to Wu Youyou's words, showing a somewhat remorseful look on his face, "I should have thought of this in the first place - Taotie It can transform into a body, and its body can hide from the sky and cross the sea to enter Lu Qixianmen as a teacher and apprentice, it can be seen that the seal on it has gradually lost its effectiveness..."

    Although Ling Changting only said half of what he said, But Wu Youyou can guess the other half of what he didn't say - if he realized something was wrong with Taotie 60 years ago, and went to the place where Taotie was sealed to strengthen the seal, how could he let Taotie escape and cause harm to the world?     Knowing that Ling Changting was blaming himself, Wu Youyou immediately grabbed his hand and comforted him: "Master, don't blame yourself... It's not your fault. At that time, you were seriously injured, even if you thought of strengthening the seal, it was still heartbreaking. There is more than enough strength."     After a pause, Wu Youyou said again: "Besides, your cultivation level today is far better than that of 5,000 years ago. It's enough to seal the gluttony again."

    After Wu Youyou finished speaking, Ling Changting let out a long sigh and said, "It can only be like this now. I just hope that it's not too late to mend the prison."


    After leaving Lingxiu Mountain, Wu Youyou and Ling Changting also joined together. Instead of going back to Lu Qixianmen immediately, he went to a nearby town to inquire about news.

    After inquiring around, Wu Youyou and Ling Changting had a general understanding of the current situation - 20 years ago, Taotie broke free from the seal and escaped from the Abyss of Mingqi.

    The gluttonous glutton who escaped immediately went to Lu Qixianmen to take revenge.

    Without Ling Changting, Lu Qixianmen is far less powerful than before. Although it is said that the various spiritual treasures and enchantments left by the ancestors barely blocked the attack of Taotie, but more than half of Lu Qixian's disciples were killed and injured, and the sect's vitality was severely damaged.

    At this critical juncture of life and death, Ling Changting, who had been forgotten by Lu Qixianmen for nearly 40 years, was finally remembered by them again.

    The head of the head Gu Huanshen was impeached by the third elder Xiang Zhilan and his disciples, and denounced his inaction in the search for Ling Shizu!

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