Chapter 120

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Chapter 120 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [4]

    Hearing Ling Changting self-declared his family, Wu Youyou was stunned for a moment, only to think that his name sounded familiar.

    But... who is this Ling Changting? ! !

    Wu Youyou couldn't remember for a while.

    She began to dig deep into the memory of the original owner Tu Youyou.

    From the puzzled expression on Wu Youyou's face, Ling Changting noticed that she did not recognize herself.

    Ling Changting was injured.

    Although Ling Changting still had that cold temperament with a faint smile on his face, Wu Youyou could feel it—he was injured because he didn't recognize him immediately.

    Realizing this, Wu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, and quickly spoke to comfort Ling Changting: "Oh! Don't worry! I can remember who you are right away!! My memory is not very good in my life, and my mind is full. It 's used to memorize spells..."

    Just when Wu Youyou could not wait to talk to comfort Ling Changting, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind!

    Wu Youyou had an epiphany! !

    "Ah!!" Wu Youyou patted her thigh violently, extremely excited, "I remember it!! You are Ling Changting!! The first generation of Lu Qixianmen!!"

    Wu Youyou's words were far better than hers The trove of comforting words I said earlier are effective.

    The smile on Ling Changting's face became even stronger, and his eyes shone like dark waves under the moonlight: "Yes, which Ling Changting I am." ——Who is


    Ling Changting?

    According to the information Wu Youyou dug out from the original owner Tu Youyou's mind, she roughly pieced together Ling Changting's image in the eyes of the world.

    Who is Ling Changting, and how old is this year, no one in this world knows.

    Some people say that he was hatched from a phoenix egg on Kunlun Mountain, and he is 13,000 years old this year; some people say that he jumped out of a stubborn rock on Aolai Shenzhou, and he is 9,000 years old this year; others say ...

    There are all kinds of rumors in this world, and about Ling Changting, there is only one thing that everyone can be sure of - when Lu Qixianmen was born, he was already in this world.     The original world of immortality was crowded with experts. However, 6,000 years ago, the demons of the land of Shenzhou swarmed, causing disasters to the people, causing life and death, thousands of miles of red, and sorrows everywhere!     Cultivators of immortality take it as their duty to uphold justice and uphold justice, so how can they see this demon harming the world? All the cultivators sent their disciples to slay demons and demons everywhere to protect the safety of the people. However, the demons swept the world with the power of their nests, and it took nearly a thousand years for the immortals in the immortal world to pacify this demon chaos, beheading more than 90% of the demons.     The people regained a peaceful life.     In this chaos, more than half of the disciples of the various cultivators died, and the wounded suffered from the evil spirits of demons, so their lifespans were short, and they all died even after a hundred years.     There are not many disciples left in the first and second generation of the major immortal sects.     This Ling Changting was one of the only two remaining first-generation disciples of Lu Qixianmen.     Now that the head of Lu Qixianmen, Gu Huanshen and the four elders died, they can only be regarded as the second generation of Lu Qixianmen. Seeing Ling Changting, Gu Huanshen and others had to respectfully salute him and call him "Uncle Master".     ——Besides     the high seniority, there is another thing that Ling Changting remembers deeply - he does not accept apprentices.     It stands to reason that a "three high" immortal cultivator like Ling Changting with high rank, high cultivation base, and high reputation should have countless disciples and grandchildren, and the world is full of peaches and plums.     But Ling Changting did not.     He refused all requests for apprenticeships, and when he got to the back, he simply hid on the Wuwei Peak in Geshan, closed the door to thank guests, and no one was seen.

    Ling Changting not only does not accept apprentices, but also does not form a Taoist partner. He occupies a mountain by himself, as a free and loose person, and lives a happy single life.


    thinking of Wu Youyou here, she couldn't help but look at Ling Changting suspiciously.

    But... why did Ling Changting think of accepting apprentices now? !

    What about past persistence? !

    Did Chengdu feed the dog? !


    the indescribable expression on Wu Youyou's face, Ling Changting raised his eyebrows and asked her, "What are you thinking about?"

    Hearing Ling Changting's question, Wu Youyou hesitated for a while, but answered honestly. : "I was thinking, haven't you always refused to accept apprentices? Why did you just tell me that you are my future master?"

    Ling Changting smiled.

    Ling Changting reached out and grabbed Wu Youyou's right wrist, turning her palm up.

    Wu Youyou subconsciously opened her fingers, revealing the palm of her hand.

    I don't know if it was because Ling Changting held Wu Youyou's hand, and there was spiritual power coming over, and the red cat's head in Wu Youyou's palm once again emitted a brilliant light.

    However, the light this time was much softer than the light it showed for the first time.

    Wu Youyou had never seen such a scene, so she couldn't help but let out a "wow".

    As if being infected by the surprised look on Wu Youyou's face, Ling Changting laughed until his mouth was wide open, and his white teeth like a braided shell were exposed, which made the cold temperament on his body dissipated a little, and the whole person brighten up.

    "Because the cat head on your palm is the promise I made with her in the last life."

    Ling Changting said to Wu Youyou.


    Wu Youyou was a little puzzled.

    Ling Changting nodded: "Yes. She."

    After a short pause, Ling Changting added: "She, that is, you, Yoyo."


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