Chapter 183

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Chapter 183 Final Chapter

    Wu Youyou thought that his imperial palace life would end after the death of the dog emperor.

    What she never expected was that the Seventh Prince Ling Chong actually fell in love with her. Even if he had to risk being discovered, Ling Chong would marry her.

    And, to marry her as the queen.

    The Dong family is naturally happy with this result.

    This is the queen! It's not at the same level as the imperial concubine Wu Youyou used to be!

    What's more, this Ling Chong was the one who personally supported the throne of the Dong family. It stands to reason that now he should take off the grind and kill the donkey, and set back the momentum of the Dong family. As a result, he still wants to marry the daughter of the Dong family, which shows that he is sincere to her. .

    Different from the shocked reaction of everyone in the Dong family, Wu Youyou was not at all surprised by Ling Chong's decision.

    As if this is a matter of course.


    Youyou cheated death after leaving the palace, changed her name, married into the palace as the righteous daughter of General Dong, and became the queen.

    During the period when Wu Youyou was the queen, Emperor Ling Chong did not accept a single concubine. In such a big harem, Wu Youyou is the only hostess.

    The emperor had been in love for more than fifty years, and gave birth to two sons and a daughter, who died one after another at the age of eighty.

    Everything was quiet, and Wu Youyou went to the place where she should go after the task of each world was over.

    Only this time, there are no new tasks waiting for her.

    "You can go back to your real world."

    System Jun told her.

    Wu Youyou, who was still gearing up to enter the next world, was stunned when he heard the words of Lord System.

    After a while, she reacted: "Why?! Didn't I complete the tasks ahead of me well?!"

    Although Wu Youyou lost her memory of the real world, her heart was repulsing back to reality.

    "Without him, we would naturally like you to continue your mission. After all, there are too few people willing to be female supporting roles." System Jun replied to Wu Youyou, "But his appearance disrupted all our internal plans. He The aura of the protagonist is too strong, no matter how the system marks you, you will change your identity because of being in love with him."

    Wu Youyou was stunned again after hearing this answer from the system.

    "He?" Wu Youyou subconsciously repeated the key points in the words of Mr. System, and then asked: "Who is he?" Mr.

    System was silent for a while, then Fang replied: "Who is he, we don't know. We don't know who he is. The only information about him that can be obtained from the system is - he appeared after you entered the first world."

    "Maybe, like you, he came from the real world. He broke into the system unintentionally. "

    Perhaps, he was born in this system, and turned from an illusory character into a living soul."

    "After our analysis, it is most likely that he came from the system."

    Wu Youyou: "..."

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