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Chapter 66

    This life in love with Ling Zhuo is over.

    Wu Youyou returned to the system.

    The system seems to be quite critical of Wu Youyou's performance in this life.

    The system: "Student Wu Youyou! Why are you not motivated at all! You just want to eat melons every day?"

    Facing the system's doubts, Wu Youyou said confidently, "Or else?!" The

    system: "...... "

    System: "You don't want to shine in the story, be an arrogant and domineering female supporting role, and disturb the love of the heroine and heroine?!"     Wu

    Youyou: "I don't want to. I don't feel so bad."

, According to my feelings in these two lifetimes - especially the one that just ended - I don't need to mix the hero and heroine together, they will kill themselves!"

    System: "..."

    System: "Dead wood can't be carved!!"

    Wu Youyou continued righteously: "Yes! I'm just not motivated! I just want to eat melons!"

    System: "..."

    System: "I still don't believe in governance. Stop you!!"

    System: "Wait! I don't believe that in the new story, you can still laugh when you eat melon!"

    Wu Youyou: "??"

    Wu Youyou: "Then give it a try~"

    System: "Just try it!"

    System: "Hey! Let's go!!" When

    the system's voice fell, Wu Youyou felt his feet suddenly empty.

    Then, she fell into the boundless darkness of the void.

    This is not the first time Wu Youyou has crossed, so she is very used to such a sudden situation.

    that is……

    "Oh hey! You forgot to tell me what my role is in the new story!!"

    After Wu Youyou howled, from a distance above her head, the system's illusory response came -

    "When you arrive, you will Got it!"

    The last word of the system was uttered, and Wu Youyou felt her soul slammed into a body.

    Shaking violently, Wu Youyou bounced off the chair.

    At this moment, a little girl with a fair and round face rushed into the room--

    "Sister Youyou! The big thing is bad!! Li Miao was hammered! Saying that he was back Fall in love with the company!!"

Chapter 67 Ace Broker [1]

    Before Wu Youyou had loaded the original owner's memory, the original owner's body jumped up from the chair like a conditioned reflex, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "What?! Li Miao was hammered?!" After a

    second of pause, Wu Youyou became even more He asked incredulously, "And when did Li Miao fall in love?!! Why didn't I know?!!" The

    round-faced assistant Li Jingru was frightened by Wu Youyou's sudden loud voice: "Sister Youyou ...I, I don't know either!!"

The female partner just wants to eat melon [Quick Wear] Where stories live. Discover now