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Chapter 91 The husband who died in battle is back [Eleven]

    The matter of Ling Jingshu bringing the outer room home immediately reached the ears of Wang Ruolan's maiden family.

    The Wang family was furious!

    Mrs. Wang personally came to the door and scolded Mrs. Ling fiercely, saying that she had no way to teach her son, that they had no rules in the Ling family, etc. She scolded Mrs. Ling without any sympathy, and scolded Mrs. Ling bloody head!

    Mrs. Ling felt that she was wrong, and in the face of Mrs. Wang's ridicule, she did not dare to refute a word.

    This is still Ling Jingshu not at home - hearing that Mrs. Wang is coming, Ling Jingshu immediately fled the mansion to seek refuge.

    If Ling Jingshu was at home right now, Madam Wang could swallow him alive on the spot!

    After beating Madam Ling fiercely, Madam Wang took her daughter Wang Ruolan home with a cold face.

    After seeing Mrs. Wang away, Mrs. Ling felt panicked - she wanted to hug her grandson, yes, but that's not the way to hug her!

    Those two children are indeed pink and tender, but their motherhood status is too low! !

    How could a woman who had no parents and no mother, beside her grandfather beside her grandfather beside her in the street begging for money, how could she fit into our Wu Guogong's mansion? !

    How can the child she gave birth to match the genealogy of our Ling family? !

    Ling Jingshu is really absurd! ! Didn't this make the whole capital come to see our Ling family's joke? !

    Thinking of this, Mrs. Ling was ashamed and annoyed, and immediately ordered the three of Fuliu and her son to be kicked out of the Ling residence.


    it was time for dinner, Ling Jingshu was back.

    At the same time, the head of the Ling family, Wu Guogong, also returned from the palace.

    As soon as Wu Guogong returned home, he immediately ordered his servants to arrest Ling Jingshu for him, put Ling Jingshu on the bench and beat him 20 big boards!

    Seeing that Wu Guozheng was in a fit of rage, the beating servant didn't dare to let the water go, and each plate hit Ling Jingshu's ass with ruthlessness and accuracy.

    Mrs. Ling is not that kind mother who doesn't know what to do, she knows that Ling Jingyi should really fight this time!

    So, seeing her husband beating her son, even though Mrs. Ling was heartbroken, she still held back and didn't say a word.

    After Wu Guogong finished beating her son, Mrs. Ling hurriedly asked someone to bring the plaster she had prepared early in the morning to apply the medicine to Ling Jingshu.

    The injury on Ling Jingshu's buttocks was so tragic that Madam Ling couldn't bear it any longer, so she could only turn her head and wipe away her tears.

    After the servants finished applying the medicine to Ling Jingshu, Wu Guogong did not change his clothes, but ordered someone to carry him directly. The father and son went out to the Wang family to apologize.


    many things happened in this short day, Wu Youyou felt that his brain was not enough.

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