Chapter 125

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Chapter 125 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [9]

    Seeing Ling Changting's smile, Wu Youyou felt her heart beat "bang" and suddenly missed a beat.

    Noticing that Wu Youyou didn't speak, Ling Changting smiled again and said, "Come here to help me feed the cat, and I'll go to the kitchen to make you something to eat." After a

    while, Ling Changting asked, "What do you think of the wontons this morning? "

    Listening to Ling Changting's words, Wu Youyou couldn't help but feel a little hungry, so she replied "Okay~".

    So they divided their work.

    After Wu Youyou finished feeding the cats, Ling Changting also prepared the wontons.

    The two ate together.

    While eating, Wu Youyou hesitated for a while, but still asked Ling Changting: "Senior, you haven't had breakfast since you got up, right?"

    Ling Changting nodded slightly and said, "One is to wait for you. , Second...I'm not hungry. I haven't eaten."

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Wu Youyou: "Then I'll get up earlier tomorrow."

    Ling Changting smiled and shook his head: "That's true . No. I don't have so many rules on Wuwei Peak, everything is based on freedom."

    Hearing Ling Changting say this, Wu Youyou immediately calmed down.

    "Okay~! Then I will continue to sleep until I wake up naturally tomorrow~"

    Wu Youyou said to Ling Changting with a smile, then paused for a while, and said: "Senior, you don't have to wait for me to eat together~! You Eat first if you're hungry!"

    Ling Changting: "It's okay. It's better for two people to eat than one person. It's fun to eat together, I'll just wait for you."

    Wu Youyou scratched his head a little embarrassedly , "Hehe" smiled and responded.

    After eating, Wu Youyou was still the one who cleaned up the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

    After Wu Youyou was done, Ling Changting continued to show her his yard.

    During the visit, Wu Youyou expressed his wish that his room does not need to be so big, there is a bed, a table and a cabinet, and it is enough to be able to take a bath and go to the toilet.

    In this regard, Ling Changting was noncommittal, only said: "If you are willing to be my apprentice, I will naturally modify the layout of the west wing according to your wishes. If you are not willing, I will naturally not change it."

    After saying this sentence , Ling Changting looked at Wu Youyou: "So, Youyou, have you thought about it? Would you like to take me as a teacher?"

    Wu Youyou choked: "Uh..."

    Seeing Wu Youyou's expression, Ling Changting laughed. Raising his hand and rubbing her head, he said, "Don't worry, think about it slowly. After you figure it out, reply to me."


    one day and night, Wu Youyou can be considered to have understood Ling Changting's yard. .

    These glazed tile houses, in addition to the study Wu Youyou visited yesterday, also have alchemy rooms, spiritual treasure houses, practice rooms... and many others.

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