Chapter 163

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Chapter 163 The big sister just wants to learn [Seventeen]

    Hearing Gu Lei's question, Wu Youyou     retorted him without hesitation: "Brother! Don't talk nonsense! Ling Xi is not my boyfriend yet." On the wall of the entrance, he looked at Wu Youyou with a playful face: "'It's not your boyfriend yet' - you mean, it will be in the future?"

    Gu Lei's words made Wu Youyou blushed.

    Glancing at Gu Lei angrily, Wu Youyou walked around him directly to the living room: "I'm not arguing with you about this, childish!"

    Seeing Wu Youyou's reaction, Gu Lei knew that his guesses were inseparable.

    He happily followed Wu Youyou back to the living room, Gu Lei sat down on the vacant seat on the sofa beside the girl, with a look of relief: "This young man named Ling Xi is not bad, much better than your previous boyfriend named Yang! The

    corners of Wu Youyou's mouth twitched, defending: "Yang Qinghe is not my boyfriend!"

    Gu Lei: "Even if it's not your boyfriend, you have liked him before!"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Gu Lei said the truth , Wu Youyou was speechless for a while.

    Fortunately, Gu Lei's attention was on Ling Xi, and Yang Qinghe was taken away by him.

    "I heard that Ling Xi's academic performance is very good? Is he the one who gave you supplementary lessons during the winter vacation?" Gu Lei curiously asked about Ling Xi's situation, "What do his parents do? Are the conditions at home good?"

    " Brother, stop pretending." Wu Youyou pierced Gu Lei mercilessly, "I heard that! Didn't you find out his origins earlier?! Ask me! Ling Xi's I guess you know better than me!"

    "My sister is really not cute anymore!" Gu Lei stretched out his hand and patted Wu Youyou's head, and then admitted generously, "I did investigate Ling Xi, yes, but I Aren't you worried that he has other plans for approaching you? Just like the one surnamed Yang before, he made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of our Gu family's power to recognize you as a goddamn sister, but you were obsessed at that time. If you don't listen, if you insist on marrying him, it will make me mad!"

    Because Gu Lei was talking about the original owner, Gu You, Wu Youyou was immune to his attack.

    Wu Youyou picked up a dragon fruit on the table and cut it open, handed a piece to Gu Lei, and laughed at himself: "Damn! Who hasn't loved a few scumbags when they were young and ignorant?! Now that I've grown up, I've learned Open your eyes and look at the man! That Yang Qinghe, I ignored him for 800 years!"

    Hearing Wu Youyou's words, Gu Lei looked relieved: "It's good that you have started a new relationship! That Yang Qinghe is not worthy of you. This Ling Xi can barely make do with it!"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Wu Youyou: "Brother! How many times have I said it, I have nothing to do with Yang Qinghe!!" After a

    pause, Wu Youyou added: "Ling Xi and I are nothing now!"

    Gu Lei winked at his sister with a teasing expression on his face, and said, "Anyway, sooner or later you will have something! What's the matter with my brother?!"

    "Then you still If you want to worry about yourself! You are in your thirties and haven't married a wife yet! How dare you talk about me?!"

    "Yuyou, it's boring! Ginseng cock is not desirable!"

    "It was you who started first!"

    "Uuuu! Youyou are murdering me!"


    "Brother, you are more mature!!"


    Ling Xi is going to go to H city on Monday, but on Sunday, he still did not Holding back, I came to find Wu Youyou in the afternoon.

    The two went to the amusement park together for a crazy afternoon.

    This Sunday is different from the previous Sunday. Wu Youyou and Ling Xi don't have to rush back to school for evening study, they can play until the amusement park closes.

    It happened that there was a fireworks show in the amusement park that night. Wu Youyou and Ling Xi had dinner in the park, then came to the best viewing point and waited for the fireworks show to start.

    I don't know if it is because of the summer vacation, there are many tourists in the park.

    After a while, Wu Youyou and Ling Xi gathered around many tourists who came to watch the fireworks show.

    Seeing the tourists keep coming, and even more and more trends, Ling Xi quietly stood behind Wu Youyou, raised her hands secretly, and protected her well in her arms, so that no one else could squeeze her. she.

    Wu Youyou was thinking about the fireworks show, but didn't notice Ling Xi's actions.

    At eight o'clock in the evening, the fireworks show arrived as scheduled.

    In the successive whistles, the golden slender light pierced the sky, and when it flew to the highest point, there was a "bang--" sound, and gorgeous fireworks exploded.

    Gold, purple, red, green... like blooming chrysanthemums, radiant with brilliance, illuminating the night sky.

    Seeing the fireworks blooming in the air, Wu Youyou was as happy as a child, grabbing Ling Xi's arm and jumping, constantly pointing at the fireworks in the sky for him to see: "Ling Xi, look at that!! That one! The fireworks are so big! Ah! Look over there!! The ones over there are so beautiful!!"

    Just when Wu Youyou was overwhelmed by the fireworks, Ling Xi's eyes never took her eyes off her smile.

    Seeing her laugh, he laughs too.

    Seeing her frown, he couldn't help frowning.

    Emotions seem to be being held by her, what kind of expression she makes, what kind of expression he becomes.

    After watching the fireworks for more than ten minutes, Wu Youyou suddenly seemed to realize something and looked back at Ling Xi.

    At this moment, a huge golden firework exploded behind her, and the golden light radiated on Ling Xi's face, reflecting his deep eyes like this bright night.

    At the moment when the four eyes met, Wu Youyou's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat.

    "You, why don't you watch the fireworks?!"

    Wu Youyou asked Ling Xi.

    Ling Xi smiled and shook his head: "I'll be fine with you."

    Wu Youyou's face flushed suddenly.

    Wu Youyou rolled her eyes at Ling Xi, and then looked around secretly to make sure that no one heard what Ling Xi said just now, and no one paid attention to them. She suddenly turned around and raised her hand to support Ling Xi's shoulder. He stood on tiptoe and raised his face, kissing him quickly on the cheek.

    Feeling the soft touch from the left cheek, Ling Xi couldn't help but froze for a moment.

    Wu Youyou, who had succeeded in the sneak attack, snickered and was about to turn around and go back as if nothing had happened, but unexpectedly Ling Xi stretched out her right hand, hooked her waist directly, and pulled her into her arms with a strong movement.

    Then, holding the back of her head with her left hand, she lowered her head and kissed it down.

    At the moment when the lips touched, countless fireworks flew into the air, "Bang——", "Pop——", in this heavy night, a sea of ​​gorgeous flowers exploded.

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