Chapter 155

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Chapter 155 The big sister just wants to learn [9]

    Hearing the younger brother's answer, Wu Youyou only felt a "click" in her brain, as if a string had broken.

    Li Xiang, Zai He, Yang Qinghe dating? ?

    In response, Wu Youyou reached out his hand irritably, grabbed the collar of the younger brother who answered, and dragged him, who was only 168 in height, directly in front of her: "What did you say?! Li Xiang and Yang Qinghe I got it?! Why didn't anyone tell me about such an important thing?!"

    Seeing that Wu Youyou, the tyrant of the third middle school in the city, went into a frenzy, the two passing girls quickly smeared oil on the soles of their feet and slipped away as a respect. !

    Seeing that the culprit who caused the trouble ran away, the two younger brothers also wanted to follow them and run away together!

    But the eldest sister's head is in front of her, who would dare to run in front of her? !

    The two younger brothers exchanged glances secretly, the younger brother who was not caught by Wu Youyou bit the bullet, shivered and laughed, and answered Wu Youyou's question: "Big... Got it, so... that's why I didn't tell you..."

    After that, the little brother who was grabbed by Wu Youyou's collar hurriedly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said, "Yes! Tell you about this?!" The

    younger brother's voice fell, and Wu Youyou's two eyebrows immediately stood up.

    "He said a ****!"

    Wu Youyou scolded angrily, and threw the little brother he was holding aside, strode toward the classroom of Class 188 where Li Xiang was.

    Hello Yang Qinghe! Are you still human? ! The good future of the little girl will be ruined by you!


    Wu Youyou was aggressively attacking Class 188, Ling Xi just came out of the classroom of Class 187 next to Class 188 and walked towards Wu Youyou's classroom.

    Walking in the corridor of the teaching building, Ling Xi saw Wu Youyou walking towards her, so she waved at her from a distance: "Yuyou!

    " Nothing has changed.

    With a straight face, she walked past Ling Xi angrily.

    "Wait a minute, I'll deal with it first and then talk to you."

    Having said this to Ling Xi, Wu Youyou swept past him like a gust of wind and came to the door of Class 188 classroom.

    It was just after school in the afternoon. Most of the students in the second grade were still discussing the results of this mid-term exam, and they were not in a hurry to go to the cafeteria, so there were a lot of people in the classroom.

    Wu Youyou directly grabbed a girl who came out of the classroom of Class 188, and said angrily to her: "Call me Li Xiang from your class!"

    Being held so rudely, the girl was about to lose her temper , but as soon as it appeared that it was Wu Youyou, the momentum was instantly vented.

    "Oh, okay, wait a minute."

    The girl responded to Wu Youyou, turned around and ran into the classroom, and called to the seat by the window, "Li Xiang, someone is looking for you outside."

    Wu Youyou She was standing at the door of Class 188, so she could clearly see a girl with a doll's hair in the second seat looking up from the high stack of books.

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