Chapter 178

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Chapter 178 The imperial concubine refuses to take the blame [six]

    The first thing Wu Youyou did after she was released from the foot ban and was promoted to the imperial concubine was to ask her mother, Mrs. Dong, to enter the palace to meet her.

    Because the emperor was still quite jealous of the Dong family at this time, and he had to pretend to be very fond of himself, the imperial concubine, so he granted Wu Youyou's request.

    Mrs. Dong has entered the palace.

    When the mother and daughter met, the first thing Mrs. Dong did was to scolded her daughter for being reckless—you knew that the first empress was the emperor's inverse scale, so why did you touch his bad head again and again? !

    Wu Youyou didn't defend herself, and let her mother scold her.

    When Mrs. Dong finished scolding and calmed down, Wu Youyou asked her about the business: "A-niang, last time you brought the problems your daughter found home to her father and eldest brother, what did they say?     " Wu Youyou was mentally prepared to fight against the Dog Emperor early in the morning, but when she heard the decision of Dong's father and brother, her heart tightened fiercely.     Since ancient times, conspiracy to usurp the throne has never been easy. Not to mention how denounced the thieves will be by public opinion, once the powerful start a war, only the common people will suffer.     Thinking of this, Wu Youyou pursed her lips tightly and asked Mrs. Dong, "How are daddy and brother going to replace him?"     Mrs. Dong frowned and said, "Your second brother said...the seventh prince is still alive!"     Mrs. Dong said . Wu Youyou was startled.     And then...     Wu Youyou: "!!!!!!"     ——     This news shocked Wu Youyou, she was so excited that she tightly grasped Mrs. Dong's wrist, and said with a look of surprise: "The Seventh Prince is really Still alive?!"     Mrs. Dong nodded earnestly: "Yes, he is still alive."     Somehow this matter reached the ears of Concubine Gu Huanggui, and it turned out to be the seventh prince's favorite third Miss Dong family and wanted to marry her as his wife .

    " When Wu Youyou talked about business, Mrs. Dong suddenly came to her senses.

    Although all the people who were serving in the room let Wu Youyou go out, Mrs. Dong cautiously looked around the room with her eyes, and then she came to Wu Youyou's ear, lowered her voice and said to her: "Your father and After your two brothers listened to the words you asked me to send back, they carefully probed for a few days, and only then did they find that a lot of hundreds and thousands of households in the army had been secretly exchanged..."

    Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Dong After discussing with Wu Youyou all the problems that Dong's father and son discovered in the army, he sighed: "If you hadn't reminded you like this, your father and your two brothers would never have found out about the army. These are strange. The master behind the scenes acted neatly and carefully, and if you were not careful, you would not be able to find it."

    Mrs. Dong's remarks confirmed Wu Youyou's previous conjecture that the Dog Emperor was indeed going to attack their Dong family . !

    Wrinkling her brows and pondering for a moment, Wu Youyou asked, "What can Daddy and the second brother have to do?"

    Mrs. Dong frowned and said solemnly: "Since he doesn't give us a way to survive, then our Dong family can only survive. Can... replace him!"


    . Dong's words made Wu Youyou's heart sink suddenly.

    Wu Youyou: "Then why didn't you hear the second brother mention it before?!"

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