Chapter 149

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Chapter 149 The big sister just wants to learn [three]

    For some reason, Wu Youyou's heart beat faster when she saw the word "Ling Xi".

    If it used to be "bang bang bang" like a little rabbit scurrying around, then now it's "dong dong dong" like a drum.

    Wu Youyou, you rookie! This Ling Xi is just better-looking than other boys, why do you react so much! !

    The layout is small!


    he complained about the nympho's reaction in his heart, Wu Youyou couldn't help but look at Ling Xi's photos more than once before leaving the honor roll and returning to the dormitory.

    Even after seeing all kinds of handsome guys from all over the country, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries, Wu Youyou has to admit that this Ling Xi looks really good.

    On the honor roll is a 1-inch photo on the student ID card. This photo was taken by the school uniformly arranged by the photo studio. It can be as ugly as it is, and it is even worse than the ID card.

    But Ling Xi's facial features in the photo are very straight, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and he is a mess.

    The photos are so handsome, isn't the real person going to be so handsome!

    It's rare that Wu Youyou didn't memorize words on the way back to the dormitory this time.

    Because she was distracted, her mind was full of Ling Xi, and she couldn't calm down at all.

    It's weird to have it on your back!


    Youyou returned to the dormitory in a wild way.

    City No. 3 Middle School is a closed dormitory school. The dormitories are all four-person rooms, with bunk beds, separate toilets and washbasins, as well as air conditioners and washing machines. The accommodation conditions are very good.

    Wu Youyou lives in dormitory No. 0317 on the third floor, and his roommates are all classmates.

    Before Wu Youyou entered the door, the other three roommates in the dormitory were still chatting and laughing, but at the moment Wu Youyou opened the door, the three roommates seemed to have been pressed the pause button and brushed them together. Shut up.

    The entire dormitory was as quiet as a chicken.

    Wu Youyou knew that the students of City No. 3 Middle School had a little bit of "Gu You PTSD", so she did not embarrass her three roommates.

    She quietly put down her schoolbag, put on her pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

    The bathroom door was like a seal. The moment Wu Youyou closed it, the seal was lifted, and the silent dormitory suddenly resounded with the cheerful chatter of the roommates.

    Wu Youyou couldn't help but sighed helplessly - how many crimes this Gu You has done!

    It made everyone fear her like a tiger.

    This makes it difficult for her, Wu Youyou~!


    Youyou took a quick shower.

    After taking a shower, the door to the bathroom was opened, the seal was sealed, and the three roommates who were chatting and laughing closed their mouths again.

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