Chapter 122

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Chapter 122 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [6]

    Wu Youyou, who was sitting on the side eating melon, looked at Situ Jun when he was slumped, but he didn't expect Ling Changting to suddenly cue her and was choked by the melon: "

    Gah?" Situ Jun didn't expect Ling Changting to ask her Wu Youyou apologized and was a little confused for a while.

    No wonder Situ Jun was confused. In the morning, he was still the majestic head apprentice, and he commanded Wu Youyou and the immortal cultivators who participated in the entry test of Lu Qixianmen. Who would have known that Wu Youyou had suddenly become his teacher and aunt. Who would suffer from this psychological gap? Got it? !

    What's more, he needs to kowtow to Wu Youyou and admit his mistake now! Isn't that reaching out and hitting him in the face? !

    However, Situ Jun is a man who knows the times and is a handsome man.

    It only took a short while for Situ Jun to accept the cruel reality in front of him.

    Situ Jun knelt down and climbed in front of Wu Youyou, kowtowed two heads, and begged Wu Youyou earnestly: "Little Sister, I did something wrong before, I apologize to you. I hope that there will be a lot of little sisters, no Forgive me for my previous rude behavior." I

    don't know if he kowtowed to Ling Changting just now, Situ Jun's forehead was a little red, and a few pieces of broken hair were mixed into his meticulously combed hair. Ye Ye, a handsome guy who used to be suave now looks a little embarrassed.

    This time Wu Youyou was stunned.

    Wu Youyou thought that a proud person like Situ Jun would definitely not be willing to bow his head to others easily. But I didn't expect him to recognize it so easily...

    Wu Youyou suddenly felt a little lost in interest.

    No fun! ! What about the backbone of the immortal cultivator? !

    To surrender to power so quickly? !

    Ah! It turns out that this Situ Jun is also a kneeling boy!


    Jun knelt down for a long time without waiting for Wu Youyou to respond to him, and couldn't help but ask again: "Little Sister-in-law, are you willing to forgive me?"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Is Situ Jun a moral kidnapping? !

    In this situation, do I have a second option besides forgiving him? !

    Just when Wu Youyou was complaining in his heart, Ling Changting suddenly spoke up: "Yuyou, if you think Situ Jun's apology is not sincere, then you can choose not to forgive him."

    Ling Changting said Wu Youyou's words The corners of his mouth twitched.

    Casting a speechless look at Ling Changting, Wu Youyou questioned him with his eyes: Ling Changting, aren't you killing me? ! Although I am older than Situ Jun, my cultivation is more than a little bit worse than his!

    If I don't forgive him, he will take revenge on me in the future, what should I do? !

    I don't know if Ling Changting got the meaning in Wu Youyou's eyes.

    Anyway, the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

    Wu Youyou thought about it, but didn't think of any safe way, and finally had to accept his fate.

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