Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Wedges

    The world of wedge chaos is nothing.

    In this emptiness, the system's voice is remote and empty, just like a Sanskrit sound.

    "Three thousand big thousand worlds, there is no outside, no small inside, boundless, boundless."

    "As in a thousand worlds, there are a thousand days and a thousand moons, a thousand Yan Futi, a Qian Qu Tuo Ni, a Qian Yu Dan Luo. Vietnam, thousands of Eph woman mention; four continents, nine Hill, eight sea; the wind wheel, water wheel, Kingland. "

    " thousands Sumeru, a thousand days of the four kings, thousands thirty-three days, thousands of Ye Motian, thousands of pocket Shutuotian, thousands of transformations are in the sky, thousands of others are in the sky, and the world of brahma..."

    Seeing that what the system said became more and more mysterious, Wu Youyou hurriedly called to stop: "Oh~! Can you not tell me? What are you talking about? What do you want me to do? Can you put it in a more popular way?" After

    Wu Youyou interrupted like this, the Sanskrit sound suddenly stuck. After a while, the system squeezed out a sentence: "Just let you go to these three thousand worlds to play a supporting role."

    Wu Youyou carefully understood it, and then asked: "What about the protagonist?"

    System: "The protagonist is too many people rushing to play. , is still Arranging. "

    Wu lengthy:" Oh ~ "

    system:" you want to compare the main character "?

    Wu lengthy:"!, not very good supporting role - "

    If you do not have what matter is dry salted supporting role It's even better!

    System: "What else do you want to know?"

    Wu Youyou: "Do I have a script?"

    System: "No script, only identity."

    Wu Youyou: "So I can play by myself?"

    System: "Yes "

    After this brief and concise discussion, Wu You You has understood his current situation.

    Although Wu You You still didn't know how she entered this world of emptiness and chaos, she was not panicked at all.

    There are even some small expectations.

    Wu Youyou: "I'm ready~ can we start the journey of the first world?"

    System: "Don't worry, you have to do a multiple-choice question first." As

    soon as the system's words fell, Wu Youyou appeared before his eyes

    I asked a multiple-choice question- Three Realms and Six Paths. Who would you like to be born into?

    A. The wife of the Emperor of Heaven

    B, the biological mother of the grandson of the Emperor of Heaven

    C, the beloved daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea

    D, and the young girl of the head of the Yongle pawnshop

    saw this multiple-choice question. Wu Youyou was silent and raised an objection: "Why is my role? Are they all attached to men? Your ZZ is not correct."

    System: "..."

    System: "...We must pay attention next time. You forgive this time and choose first."

    Wu Youyou: "Oh ~"

    After the break with the system, Wu Youyou's thoughts returned to these four options.

    After some careful weighing, Wu Youyou finally chose the C option.

    System: "Have you decided? Are you sure you want to be reborn as the beloved daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

    Wu Youyou nodded, "Well, I have decided."

    System: "Okay, go!" The

    system said. After that, Wu Youyou saw the void beneath his feet suddenly burst open!

    Thousands of golden lights and thousands of auras burst out from the open crack, and Wu Youyou's eyes couldn't be opened by the dazzling light.

    At the moment when the whole body was enveloped by the bright light, Wu You You only felt that his feet were suddenly empty, and his whole body fell into the open crack with weightlessness!

    Suddenly in her heart, Wu You You was about to scream, but she didn't want to hear a cry in her throat.

    "Wow! Wow, wow!"

    In the crisp cry, Wu Youyou also heard the cheerful voices of many women.

    "Congratulations to Dragon Mother, Congratulations to Dragon Mother! You gave birth to a little princess~!"


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