Chapter 162

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Chapter 162 The Big Sister Just Wants To Learn [Sixteen]

    Hearing Ling Xi's question being so straightforward, Wu Youyou was stunned for a moment, then she winked at him playfully, and replied, "Hee hee, I won't tell you~"

    Ling Xi stopped when Wu Youyou finished her words. The act of arranging her hair, looking at her with burning eyes, he said to her very frankly: "I miss you very much." I

    didn't expect Ling Xi to admit her misses so directly, Wu Youyou only felt that her own The heartbeat "bang--", and it exploded fiercely.

    It was like a firework suddenly exploded in the dark night, instantly lighting up the entire night sky.

    Seeing that Wu Youyou's face was stained with red, from cheeks to ears, Ling Xi's smile grew stronger: "I have already told you my answer, it's your turn to answer."

    Ling Xi condensed Looking at Wu Youyou with both eyes, as if afraid of missing any expression on her face, he asked her word by word: "Yuyou, do you miss me?

    " The soldering iron was branded, Wu Youyou glared at Ling Xi fiercely and said, "Childish!"

    "I'll take your answer as if you were thinking about it?"

    Ling Xi took the opportunity to ask.

    "Oh! That's not what I meant!"

    Wu Youyou was anxious.

    She was embarrassed to admit it, but she didn't want to deny it either.

    Ling Xi did not ask any further questions.

    He looked at Wu Youyou quietly for a while, then suddenly smiled charmingly, stretched out his hands, and took her into his arms: "I don't care. You must have missed me anyway     !


, Wu Youyou asked Gu Lei's two younger brothers to help her move the salute into the house, and she and Ling Xi went out to eat.

    In fact, it's only after three o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Youyou has only eaten and is not hungry yet.

    But as long as you can be with Ling Xi, you can do anything.

    Even on a midsummer afternoon with an outdoor temperature of 35°C.

    Hot weather is perfect for ice cream.

    What's more, there is a second half-price event during the summer vacation.

    Ling Xi bought two ice creams at the dessert station, and Wu Youyou walked side by side to the Xinhua Bookstore.

    Wu Youyou said that she wanted to buy some real college entrance examination papers and practice them during the summer vacation, and Ling Xi would accompany her.

    Xinhua Bookstores are blooming all over the country, and there is one near Wu Youyou's house.

    While scolding the ice cream, the two walked to the bookstore talking and laughing.

    At the beginning of the zebra crossing, the green light started flashing.

    Wu Youyou was not in a hurry to grab these two seconds, stood still under the shade of the tree, turned to look at Ling Xi, and told him about the interesting things that happened in the school during the two months he was away.

    While talking, Wu Youyou saw Ling Xi raise her left hand.

    Wu Youyou's words were frightened by Ling Xi's sudden action.

    Seeing that Ling Xi just changed the ice cream in his right hand to his left, Wu Youyou came back to his senses and was about to continue speaking when he felt his left hand hanging beside him fall into a warm palm. middle.


    Wu Youyou's tongue suddenly knotted.

    At this moment, the traffic light beside her suddenly turned green.

    "The green light is on, let's go."

    Ling Xi said, holding Wu Youyou's hand tightly, and walking her quickly across the zebra crossing.

    This is an old road, and the two sides of the road are full of big banyan trees with shade.

    The summer sun passed through the gaps in the thick leaves and fell on the boys and girls who were walking forward, reflecting the mottled light and shadow.

    When the driver in the car waiting for the green light saw this scene, he couldn't help but free his right hand and grabbed his wife who was sitting in the passenger seat.

    "Wife, look at that young couple, doesn't it look like when we were still students?"


    green light at this intersection is very short, Wu Youyou and Ling Xi just walked across the road, and it turned into a red light .

    Slowing down, and being blown by the cool wind passing through the treetops, Wu Youyou realized that the hand she and Ling Xi were holding was sweaty, and it seemed to be a bit sticky from ice cream.

    But even so, she didn't want to let go of his hand.


    bookstore doesn't let anyone bring food in, so Wu Youyou and Ling Xi quickly finished the ice cream at the entrance of the bookstore before entering together.

    After shopping in the bookstore for an afternoon, picking out the reference books and buying the order, it was almost time for dinner.

    The two went to dinner together.

    After eating, Ling Xi read Wu Youyou's wrong questions in this exam at the dinner table, and explained to her how to solve the problem.

    Time together always flies by quickly.

    Especially when I got along with each other, I also learned, it is simply a superposition of buffs, and time flies faster and faster.

    Sitting in the tea restaurant until 9:30 in the evening, seven or eight cups of iced milk tea were refilled, and Wu Youyou finally received a call from Gu Lei urging her to go home.

    Can only get up to pay the bill and go home.

    Ling Xi took Wu Youyou to the door, made an appointment to meet the next day, and reluctantly separated from her.

    Watching Ling Xi disappear at the gate of the community, Wu Youyou only felt that her mood was inexplicably low.

    But looking back on what happened today is full of sweetness.

    After a while, Wu Youyou withdrew her gaze from a distance, turned to open the door, and went home.

    Just when Wu Youyou closed the door and took out the slippers from the shoe cabinet in the entrance to put them on, a full-fledged voice came from the direction of the living room -

    "Yuyou, the boy who just sent you home is yours. New boyfriend?"

    The author has something to say:

    Today...a day of eating melon...

    Wu Xin code word _(:з"∠)_

The female partner just wants to eat melon [Quick Wear] Where stories live. Discover now