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Chapter 51 The secretary just wants to eat melons [14]

    Wang Wan was stunned for a while in the face of the sorrowful accusation from the other side.

    She forgot to cry.

    Wang Wan looked at Fang Yiran blankly, the tears in her eyes were about to fall, and Fang Yiran's heart was broken.

    Just as Wang Wan and Fang Yiran looked at each other affectionately, there was a "ding--" sound of the elevator arriving behind Wu Youyou.

    Wu Youyou and Ling Zhuo looked back at the elevator together with a tacit understanding.

    I saw Fang Yiran's secretary, Ding Yuan, holding a cup of coffee in his left hand, playing with his mobile phone in his right, and came out of the elevator humming a little song.

    Ding Yuan was about to walk to the door of the office, and suddenly raised his head like a heart.

    Then, he saw Wu Youyou and Ling Zhuo.

    Startled for a moment, just as Ding Yuan was about to say hello to Ling Zhuo, Wu Youyou immediately raised her index finger and "shush" at him.

    Turning back to point to Fang Yiran's office, Wu Youyou lowered her voice and explained, "Mr. Fang and Miss Wang are talking inside."

    Ding Yuan suddenly realized.

    After Wu Youyou finished speaking, Ling Zhuo also learned her tones, lowered her voice, and ordered Ding Yuan to say, "Go find two chairs, Yoyo and I want to sit."

    Ding Yuan followed suit, but his voice was even lower. It couldn't be lower: "Okay, Dong Ling."


    Yuan pushed Wu Youyou and Ling Zhuo two office chairs, and then went to the tea room to make coffee for them.

    Wu Youyou stood for a long time, and her legs were numb.

    Now Ding Yuan has brought a chair and brought coffee, which is simply the icing on the cake.

    Wu Youyou and Ling Zhuo sat down at the door of Fang Yiran's office side by side, drinking coffee and watching a play.


    At this moment, Wang Wan's downed brain restarted.

    The corners of her mouth slammed up and drooped. Wang Wan's face didn't know whether she was laughing or crying. It took a long while to say, "Yi Ran, what if... I'm not my dad's biological daughter?"

    Wang Wan While talking, Wu Youyou happened to be drinking coffee.

    Hearing Wang Wan's words, Wu Youyou almost choked on the coffee.

    What? !

    Wu Youyou couldn't help grasping Ling Zhuo's hand tightly.

    What is this Wang Wan talking about? !

    Like Wu Youyou, Fang Yiran didn't understand Wang Wan's words.

    Looking at Wang Wan suspiciously, Fang Yiran asked her, "Wanwan...what do you mean by that?"

    Hearing that Fang Yiran's tone softened, Wang Wan wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand, Crying and laughing, he explained to Fang Yiran: "Yiran! Actually, I'm not the daughter of the Wang family! When I was 18 years old, I accompanied the school to the medical examination, and by the way, I got a blood type test at the hospital..."

The female partner just wants to eat melon [Quick Wear] Where stories live. Discover now