Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [Seventeen]

    After finally accepting Mao Da's northeastern accent, Wu Youyou pondered for a while and said regretfully, "I had known that this spiritual mountain is so smart, I would have brought all the three cats over here. If all eight of you knew how to Talking, it will be more lively on Wuwei Peak."

    "Still holding back!" Mao Da rejected Wu Youyou's idea without hesitation, "On weekdays, a few of them call me 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooet' and I think it's quite noisy. If everyone speaks human words, can they stay there? Absolutely not!"

    "Yes~" Mao Er responded softly to Mao Da, "Besides, Ling Xianggong will not let Mao San Cat Four and the others followed. They are all male."

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Wu Youyou: "Although I usually don't pay attention to Cat Three and their gender... But whether they are male or female, Is there any difference?!"

    "Harm! Mu, this child!" Mao Da looked at Wu Youyou with a speechless expression, "Master Ni's thoughts on Ni, do you feel like Ni?!"

    Wu Youyou: "???? "

    Wu Youyou: "What's on your mind??"

    Wu Youyou asked Mao Da to bring out the Northeastern accent.

    Mao Da and Mao Er looked at each other, and then complained about Wu Youyou: "I don't know why you ask Ni! Everyone can see what Ling Xianggong is thinking about Ni Di, Ni can be holding back!"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    Originally, Wu Youyou was just guessing in her heart, thinking that Ling Changting was interested in her, but now she got the exact answer from Mao Da, her heart was like a little rabbit, and she couldn't help but "bang bang bang". Jumped quickly.

    Wu Youyou couldn't help raising her hand to hold her heart.

    If it is said that the master really likes her...

    what about herself, does she like the master?


    , in reality, there is no time for Wu Youyou to think too much.

    someone is coming.

    Wu Youyou and the two cats looked at each other, then snapped their fingers, hiding both one and two cats with a blindfold.

    About half an hour later, a group of disciples in black and red uniforms walked over, surrounded by a woman in a lake blue robe.

    Wu Youyou took a closer look and was delighted, isn't this the disciples of Di Chunying and Yanshan School?

    How did they get here?

    Just when Wu Youyou was thinking about what Di Chunying was doing here, a disciple of the Yanshan faction said, "Miss, what is your trial mission this time?"

    Di Chunying put the piece of paper in her arms. He took out the page, glanced at it, and said, "I have three tasks. The first one is the same as the disciples of Lu Qixianmen just now. It is to defeat a classmate who is higher than me. The other two are tasks to find immortal grass."

    Hearing Di Chunying's words, Wu Youyou's mouth couldn't help twitching - could it be that Lu Qixian's disciples all got the same task book? !

    Di Chunying and Wu Youyou were in a good mood, and then they said again: "Other disciples of the same age as me who want to come to Lu Qixianmen will also get these three tasks."

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