Chapter 171

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Chapter 171 The eldest sister just wants to learn [Twenty-five]

    This farce finally came to an end after Gu Lei appeared.

    As a guardian, Gu Lei signed Wu Youyou at the police station, and by the way, he kept both Ling Xi and Li Xiang, so that their families would not know what happened to them today.

    It's almost six o'clock after the toss.

    Gu Lei took three high school students to dinner, and then personally sent them back to school.

    On the way back to school, Gu Lei asked Ling Xi curiously: "Ling Xi, it is said that you beat Yang Qinghe today? How did you do it? Yang Qinghe is well-known for his viciousness and ability to beat him. You have a lot of actual combat experience, but you didn't get any benefit from your subordinates?"

    Gu Lei's curiosity was exactly what Wu Youyou was wondering.

    Therefore, as soon as Gu Lei's voice fell, Wu Youyou nodded again and again, and responded: "Yeah Ling Xi, why are you so powerful?! You can even fight Yang Qinghe, and you can fight so easily?!"

    Ling Xipo He patted his head a little embarrassedly, and replied with a smile: "I learned Sanda for a few years before, and I even won some awards."

    "Really?!" Wu Youyou was shocked, "I never heard of you. !!"

    "It's all about elementary school and junior high school. I didn't practice much when I was in high school."

    Ling Xi replied.

    "Have you ever won an award?" Gu Lei was very interesting, "What kind of awards are they? Let me hear them?"

    "City Youth Wushu Competition, Provincial Youth Sanda Championship..." Ling Xi said several kinds of competitions in one breath , and finally concluded, "I won the first place in both the municipal and provincial competitions. There are too many national competitions, and my best competition was the third place in the junior high school group. Most of them were learning awards and encouragement. Prizes or something."

    "Awesome, boy!" Gu Lei was pleasantly surprised. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't reach Ling Xi from the passenger seat, he would have reached out to give Ling Xi a bear hug, "Do you want to hang out with Big Brother after you graduate?! Big Brother needs talents like you!!"

    As soon as Gu Lei's voice fell, Wu Youyou gave Wu Youyou a stern look: "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about! Ling Xi is going to be a scientist in the future, a pillar of our country, why should he be with you?! Really Too talented and underutilized!!"

    "Hey! Brother, don't I just want to give Xiao Xi a choice in life?! Whether Xiao Xi agrees or not, we have to mention it!!"

    Gu Lei answered righteously. road.

    Hearing that Ling Xi changed into "Xiao Xi" directly in Gu Lei's mouth, Wu Youyou couldn't help rolling her eyes, then hooked Ling Xi's arm and bit his ear: "Don't worry about my brother, he's a lunatic Ling Xi pinched Wu Youyou 's

    fingers secretly and exchanged glances with her before answering Gu Lei: "Thank you Brother Gu for your kindness. But I have already decided on my future, I'm afraid I have to brush Brother Gu. the beauty of it."

    "Hahaha!" Gu Lei laughed loudly, "It's okay, it's okay! I'll just ask this casually! As long as you and Yoyo are happy, whatever you want to do, the big brother will support it!!"


    Xiangzhi After the matter was settled, Wu Youyou and Ling Xi's lives returned to their original trajectory.

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