Chapter 156

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Chapter 156 The big sister just wants to learn [10]

    After saying these words, Li Xiang seemed to have gained supreme courage and emphasized it again: "Gu You, I will not break up with Qinghe! Don't think your words can move me! What is Qinghe like? Man, I know better than you!"

    "You know better than me what kind of person Yang Qinghe is?!" Wu Youyou was amused by Li Xiang's words, "How long have you known him? Are you so sure?"

    Li Xiang Biting his lower lip, he said, "The length of time cannot be used as a criterion for the depth of mutual understanding between two people. A real soulmate does not need a long time to understand each other. Just like Qinghe, some people think they know him well, But in fact, I just knew him for a long time. Those people don't understand what the real Qinghe is like!" As soon as

    Li Xiang's voice fell, Wu Youyou laughed out loud: "It's still What about some people, don't you just report my ID card directly?" After a

    pause, Wu Youyou said again: "You think I don't know Yang Qinghe, you think you and him are soulmates, and you think I know him four times. I still don't know anything about him for more than a year, right?"

    Li Xiang looked at Wu Youyou stubbornly and didn't answer directly, but Wu Youyou could see her clenched fists on both sides of her body shaking.

    Wu Youyou knew that Li Xiang in front of her was the kind of girl in love who was in love. No matter what others said about her boyfriend, she would not listen. She would only feel that others were jealous of their beautiful love and secretly dated her. Competitive, trying to snatch her boyfriend.

    It seems that even if Yang Qinghe was smashed to pieces in front of Li Xiang, she would not believe a word.

    Just switch tactics.

    When talking to a girl like Li Xiang who is full of fantasies about love, she should start with the hypocritical love theories she believes in.

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou changed her tone and said, "I won't discuss with you what kind of person Yang Qinghe is. I just ask you, do you agree with the sentence 'the best love is to progress together'?

    " Wu Youyou suddenly changed the topic, and Li Xiang immediately became vigilant: "What do you want to express?"

    "Then I'll take it that you agree with this sentence." Wu Youyou answered directly for Li Xiang, "But has this relationship brought you any progress?"

    Hearing Wu Youyou's words, Li Siang's expression was sad for a moment, but she was still stubborn: "How do you know that I haven't improved?!"

    Wu Youyou smiled, raised her hand and clicked Li Xiang's eyes: "If you have made progress, why do you want to make progress? Crying?" As soon as

    Wu Youyou finished speaking, Li Xiang lowered his head quickly, not wanting her to see his eyes: "You don't care what I cry!"

    "I don't care what you cry, but everyone sees it. I can see why you are crying." Wu Youyou pierced the truth coldly, "You are crying because the results of the mid-term exam came out today, and you fell out of the top 30 in the grade."


    Li Xiang denied Wu Youyou guessed, but her tone was weak, as if she couldn't convince herself.

    Seeing that Li Xiang's eyes were red again, Wu Youyou didn't hesitate at all, and continued to stab her heart: "Li Xiang, you have never been in the top three in your grade before, and now you can't even get into the top 30. Now! If it is a good thing to be with Yang Qinghe, why did your grades drop so much? Do you dare to say that this has nothing to do with Yang Qinghe?! If you know Yang Qinghe, then does he know you?! He Do you know that the most important thing for you now is to study?!"

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