Chapter 161

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Chapter 161 The big sister just wants to learn [15]

    Ling Xi's heroic performance amused Wu Youyou.

    "Then I won't be soft-hearted~" Wu Youyou glanced at Ling Xi and laughed at him, "When you pay the bill later, don't shout about the pain!"

    "No, just eat what you want. Order it."

    Although Ling Xi said so, Wu Youyou still couldn't bear to torture him. After ordering a few moderately priced dishes, Wu Youyou returned the menu to the waiter.

    Seeing that Wu Youyou didn't order much, Ling Xi worried that she wouldn't have enough to eat, so she added a few more.

    After placing the order, the waiter brought the dessert, and the two chatted while waiting for the kitchen to cook.

    After eating dessert, the subsequent dishes are also served one by one. Wu Youyou and Ling Xi feasted and ate happily.

    After eating the main meal, Wu Youyou was also ninety percent full, so she waited for the last dessert after the meal.

    At this time, Ling Xi made a call. He glanced at the caller ID on his mobile phone, then stood up to greet Wu Youyou, and went out to answer the phone.

    Wu Youyou was waiting for him in the box with his mobile phone reciting words.

    While waiting, the lights in the box suddenly went out with a click. Wu Youyou was startled, subconsciously called out "Ling Xi!" and jumped up from the chair.

    At this time, the door of the box was pushed open.

    "Happy birthday to you~! Happy birthday to you~!"

    Ling Xi walked in while pushing a dining cart while singing the birthday song.

    There is a cake on the dining car, with chocolate glaze, with the numbers "1" and "7" inserted into it, and there are several reference books.

    Ling Xi's move came so suddenly, Wu Youyou was stunned for a while, and then she came to her senses.

    Then helplessly: "Ling Xi! Did you make a mistake?! My birthday is next Wednesday!!"

    "I'm not mistaken." Ling Xi pushed the cake to Wu Youyou's side, then picked up the birthday crown next to the cake and put it on Wu Youyou, "I'll be training at the provincial team next Wednesday. It is said that what is the phone? All will be confiscated. I thought, since there is no way to say 'Happy Birthday' to you on your birthday, let's have a birthday in advance."

    After speaking, Ling Xi held Wu Youyou's shoulder, He brought her to the cake: "Come on! Make a wish!"

    Wu Youyou rolled her eyes at Ling Xi, but couldn't help but grin.

    With both hands clasped in front of him, Wu Youyou closed her eyes and began to make a wish seriously.

    Ling Xi watched quietly from the side.

    Seeing Wu Youyou's eyes closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, and a thick shadow cast by the candlelight, Ling Xi only felt her heart pound, and her heart pounded.

    Quietly taking out her mobile phone, Ling Xi secretly took a picture of Wu Youyou's wish.

    After a while, Wu Youyou made a wish, opened her eyes, and blew out the candles in one breath.

    Ling Xi on the side applauded and applauded for a while, and then asked Wu Youyou, "What wish did you make?"

    Wu Youyou turned to look at Ling Xi with a smile, and replied, "I made three wishes. ——The first is to hope that my family and friends are healthy and safe forever; the second is to hope that you and I can both be admitted to the school of your choice and study the major you like. The third is... Speaking of

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