Chapter 129

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Chapter 129 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [13]

    After learning the blindfolding method for almost half a year, Wu Youyou has already mastered this spell to perfection, and there is basically no room for improvement.

    Just waiting for her cultivation base to improve, can blind the eyes of more people.

    Seeing that Wu Youyou's blindfolding method had already started his apprenticeship, Ling Changting asked her, "I have nothing to teach you about blindfolding. What do you want to learn next?"

    Wu Youyou had thought about what spells to learn next.

    So when Ling Changting asked, she immediately raised her hand excitedly and replied, "I want to learn the technique of escaping the earth!"

    Hearing Wu Youyou's answer, Ling Changting was slightly startled, and then helplessly raised his forehead and said, "I am the treasure house of Wuwei Peak. Are the spirit treasures in there not enough for you to use?! Just grab one of them and you can fly into the sky, why are you still learning this earth escape technique?!"

    "But the spirit treasures will take time to be transformed. If it is a high-level Lingbao, a rookie like me needs to recite a few spells to activate it!" Wu Youyou explained to Ling Changting patiently, "If the time is delayed like this, the Lingbao may not be changed yet, so I will It will be captured by the enemy on the spot!"

    Wu Youyou's words choked Ling Changting.

    After a long while, he had to admit: "...What you said makes sense..."

    Wu Youyou nodded and said, "Isn't it! If I were an ordinary disciple of Lu Qixianmen, it would be fine, but I am still you. My apprentice, I don’t know how many people out there are thinking about my head! I know my food... But I can’t beat it, can I still run?! That’s why I thought about learning this escape technique, which is convenient for running! "

    Ling Changting: "..."

    Ling Changting: "Then you don't want to learn something powerful and make me famous?"

    Hearing Ling Changting's question, Wu Youyou couldn't help but sighed, pretending to be vicissitudes: "If I have a high understanding and can practice powerful spells in a short period of time, of course I would not choose to learn the earth escape technique! This is not spirituality. Is the mountain-building trial coming soon...I thought about it, but I still felt that this earth-escaping technique was the most profitable and had the fastest effect, so I chose to learn it."

    Hearing Wu Youyou mentioning the spiritual mountain trial, Ling Changting He couldn't help but startled: "Are you going to participate in the Spiritual Cultivation Mountain Trial next year?"

    "Participate! Why not! Every disciple of Lu Qixianmen only has the opportunity to visit twice in his life. If you miss it once, you will lose once!"

    Wu Youyou replied loudly and forcefully.

    Ling Changting: "..."

    Ling Changting: "There is some truth in what you said ..."


    spiritual practice mountain trial that Wu Youyou was thinking about is a novice village in the world of immortality.

    Because of its unique geographical location, there are few people entering Lingxiu Mountain all year round. Therefore, the mountain is full of spiritual power and flowers and plants are everywhere. It is a good place for cultivators to improve their cultivation.

    As the saying goes, gold and silver mountains are not as good as clear waters and lush mountains. In order to protect Lingxiu Mountain, a resource for cultivating immortals, the major sects reached a consensus five thousand years ago, and set up a barrier to seal the Lingxiu Mountain and open it every 60 years, allowing new disciples of the major sects to enter. Refinement, improve cultivation.

    The standard for this "new entry" is within 120 years of entry.

    Lingxiu Mountain is tested once a year, in other words, every new disciple has the opportunity to enter the novice village twice.

    Lingxiu Shanjia's buff was so strong, Wu Youyou thought that if he didn't go, he wouldn't go for nothing, and only a fool wouldn't go, so he was moved.

    What's more...

    Lingxiu Mountain doesn't only have exotic flowers and plants, it also has gossip! !


    After understanding Wu Youyou's thoughts, Ling Changting was silent for a while, and said: "The fairy grass and spirit treasures on Lingxiu Mountain are very common, far less than my collection. Just ask me what you want, why bother? You have the strength to run such a trip?"

    "Hey! Master, what you gave me, and what I got with my own efforts, must be different!" Wu Youyou answered Ling Changting's question righteously, "I depend on myself. What I got with my hands and sweat, even if it’s not great, I got it on my own!”

    It’s the crystallization of my labor! !

    Ling Changting glanced at Wu Youyou lightly, and said, "You don't need to raise your image so high. In my opinion, the reason why you want to go is to join in the fun and watch other people's gossip. ."

    Ling Changting's true thoughts were revealed by Ling Changting, Wu Youyou smiled "hee hee" and said, "Sure enough, everything can't be hidden from Master!"

    As Ling Changting guessed, Wu Youyou was actually very concerned about this spirit at first. There are some ideas about the mountain repairing trial, but the will of the past is not so strong, but it is not necessary to go.

    But in the past few months, Wu Youyou has eaten a lot of gossip about the spiritual practice mountain trial on Huoling Peak. What kind of enemy sect disciple Lingxiu Mountain has been able to kill all kinds of grievances, and fellow disciples and brothers are not afraid of worldly eyes. The mountains and the like, all of them are bloody melons, and she felt sour and sour when she ate it, and she couldn't stop.

    As a result, Wu Youyou longed for the mysterious place of Lingxiu Mountain.

    In Wu Youyou's eyes, Lingxiu Mountain is like a shy girl, waiting for Wu Youyou to lift the veil on her face.

    It was acknowledged by Wu Youyou. Ling Changting shook his head helplessly and said, "Just go if you want. It just so happens that you also go to have a long experience and see what the disciples of other sects are like. After you come back, talk to me well."

    Hearing Ling Changting's words, Wu Knowing that he agreed to her request, Yunyou jumped up from the stone bench with joy, jumped behind Ling Changting, and threw himself on his shoulders, "Thank you, Master!"

    Ling Changting turned around and pinched Wu Youyou's ear, and said, "There is not much time left for the Spiritual Cultivation Mountain trial. You can go, but before you go, you can't do whatever you want like before. You are my Ling Changting's apprentice, you can't go out and let people make jokes. I will make a detailed plan for you, and strive     to maximize your cultivation in the shortest possible time."


From Ling Changting's attitude, Wu Youyou could see that he was serious.

    As soon as Ling Changting was serious, Wu Youyou backed away: "Ah this..."

    If possible, she still wants to be a happy salted fish, and then eat melons or something along the way...

    Seeing Wu Youyou's face showing a hesitant expression , Ling Changting raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, I just finished talking about going to take part in the Spiritual Cultivation Mountain Trial, but now I regret it?

    " The hell-style training course that came out: "Master! You make a plan, and you can temper me with confidence! I will definitely not embarrass you!"

    Please organize a test for me!

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