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Chapter 26 The Little Dragon Girl of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea [Twenty-Five]

    After more than 120 years, Wu Youyou finally saw Prince Ling Heng's unforgettable eyes once again.

    After so many years, those eyes are still as clean and pure as Wu Youyou remembered, like the darkest and brightest gems in the world.

    Against the gleaming eyes of Prince Ling Heng, the night sky full of stars behind him suddenly paled.

    There are so many stars in the sky, none of them can be more dazzling and dazzling than his eyes.

    And now, these gripping eyes are looking at Wu Youyou with affection.


    Wu Youyou felt her heart jump fiercely.

    She felt her face scorching hot, as if on fire.

    Wu Youyou clearly knew that she should look away immediately at this time, not to meet Prince Ling Heng's eyes, not to fall into his affectionate eyes.

    But...she couldn't move her eyes at all.

    Prince Ling Heng's eyes were like the quiet lotus pond behind him, and like the deep night sky behind him, with an irresistible magic power that made her sink into it, unable to extricate herself.

    In the silent night, Prince Ling Heng suddenly called Wu Youyou softly.


    It was like a low voice, lingering and tactful.

    Hearing Prince Ling Heng calling her, Wu Youyou subconsciously wanted to respond, but when she opened her mouth, she only felt dry mouth and throat tingling.

    Without getting Wu Youyou's response, Prince Ling Heng called her softly again, then raised his hand and gently supported her hot cheek.

    Prince Ling Heng's right hand was pressed against Wu Youyou's cheek, and it was a little cold.

    But Wu Youyou hardly noticed the coolness.

    She opened a pair of bright and clear eyes and stared at Prince Ling Heng silently.

    "Bang, bang bang bang-"

    I don't know whose heartbeat, like a drum, jumped fast.

    In this intense heartbeat, Wu Youyou saw that the face of Prince Ling Heng Qingjun was slowly and slowly approaching her.

    And then...

    he kissed her.


    the moment when the lips touched, Wu Youyou only heard the sound of "Boom——" in his head, and felt that his soul flew out.

    Wu Youyou has lost the ability to think, and it seems that only his lips are left with consciousness.

    She could feel that Prince Ling Heng's lips were cool and soft, with the fragrance of lotus leaves, softly sticking to her lips.

    Is this... kissing?

    Such a sentence flew through Wu Youyou's stiff mind.

    Just when Wu Youyou was busy, Prince Ling Heng sighed lightly and said, "Silly Youyou, you should close your eyes at this time."

    Prince Ling Heng's words fell, and Wu Youyou closed it very obediently. eyes.

    When the eyes fall into the darkness, the physical perception becomes more acute.

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