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Chapter 61 Secretary: Fanwai 1 [Part 1]

    Fanwai 1 [Part 1]

    At that time, Ling Zhuo and Wu Youyou had not yet confirmed their relationship, and Ling Zhuo had just moved upstairs to Wu Youyou's house.


    Wu Youyou slept until three poles in the sun as always.

    After Wu Youyou woke up, she lay in bed for a while, and then she touched the phone to read the information.

    When I opened it at one point, I found that there were many unread messages on WeChat, all of which were sent by Ling Zhuo.

    Ling: [Are you awake? 】

    Ling: 【Come up when you wake up, there are important things for you to deal with. 】

    Ling: 【? ? 】

    Ling: 【Have you not woken up yet? It's half past eleven! 】

    Ling: 【Are you pretending to sleep? 】

    Ling: 【Come upstairs and count your overtime pay. 】

    Seeing this series of messages sent by Ling Zhuo, and the three missed voice calls sandwiched between them, Wu You was silent, and replied weakly to him with a message: 【Ling Dong, is there something wrong? 】

    Wu Youyou's message was sent, and Ling Zhuo's reply came.

    Two concise words: [Come up. 】

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    YOYO: 【But it will take me a while to wash and change...】

    Ling: 【? It's not that I haven't seen you wearing pajamas without makeup, you don't need to be so particular, just wash your face and come up. 】

    Seeing Ling Zhuo's reply, Wu Youyou couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

    Ling Zhuo had indeed seen her in her pajamas without makeup... when she and Ling Zhuo were on a business trip.

    But who wants to let the boss see that he is so unscrupulous! !

    If not for the temporary overtime to prepare the content of the meeting the next morning! She wouldn't appear in front of the leader in such a state! !

    Although he was madly complaining about Ling Zhuo in his heart, Wu Youyou still replied weakly [OK], and then got up cowardly.

    Because Ling Zhuo was in a hurry, Wu Youyou got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, tidied up his hair, and was ready to go upstairs in his pajamas.

    Before going out, Wu Youyou hesitated for a while, but went back to the bathroom to apply a makeup cream.

    Now that the makeup cream has been wiped off, let's put on a lipstick by the way.

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou put on another lipstick.

    Looking left and right in the mirror, to confirm that there is nothing wrong, Wu Youyou took her laptop and went out.


    Wu Youyou and Ling Zhuo lived upstairs and downstairs, Wu Youyou didn't take the elevator and went up the stairs directly.

    Arriving at the door of Ling Zhuo's house, Wu Youyou took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

    There were footsteps in the house, and then the door opened.

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