Chapter 139

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Chapter 139 Harm! Cultivation of immortals is not the same thing [Twenty-three]

    On one side was Cuiya's Bing Condensation Bead, and on the other was Cuiya's sharp and poisonous fingernails. Both sides greeted Wu Youyou.

    Seeing such a scene, Ling Changting didn't have time to think about it, he let out a low drink, and his body suddenly burst into golden light, like bright sunlight breaking through the shadow of the dark clouds, lasing out streaks of dazzling beams!

    As soon as the Ice Congealing Divine Bead touched the beam, it immediately "Zi—" and vaporized.

    And Cui Ya's long and sharp fingernails melted into a viscous liquid like asphalt, like a piece of gold steel inserted into hot molten iron.

    "Not good!"

    Cui Ya cried out in a hurry, just about to turn around and retreat, but she didn't want the scorching sun on Ling Changting's body to shine! That beam of light was like a sharp arrow, directly shooting her into a sieve!

    Cui Ya was hit by the force of the light beam and stepped back ten steps in a row. She shook her body, and then knelt on the ground with a "pop", and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

    Then, another second and third.

    Cui Ya's blood was as black as ink, and puddles hit the ground, and every piece of land it touched immediately turned into scorched soil, and the plants died on the spot.

    In an instant, there was no grass around Cui Ya.

    Like a broken dam, she vomited dozens of kilograms of black blood. Cui Ya raised her head. The corners of her mouth and chin were covered in black and red blood. She looked at Ling Changting in shock: "Ling Changting! You! You don't even want your life for this woman?!"

    "You still care about your own life first!"

    Ling Changting replied coldly, swung out the sword in his hand, and cut off Cui Ya's head bluntly.

    At the moment when Cui Ya's head and body were separated, her whole figure collapsed in an instant, from head to toe, it turned into powder.

    When the mountain wind blows, it dissipates into nothingness.

    Only the stunned expression she had before her death was fixed in Wu Youyou's mind.


    soon as Cui Ya's body was scattered, the spiritual power that belonged to her was also scattered.

    Wu Youyou's nerves were tense for too long. Even if she saw Cui Ya turned to ashes with her own eyes, she stared at the place where Cui Ya fell for a long time, for fear that she would grow out of the ground again.

    After staring for a while, and after confirming that Cui Ya would not come back, Wu Youyou looked at Ling Changting excitedly and asked him, "Master! Has our crisis been resolved?!"

    Ling Changting pointed at Wu Youyou nodded.

    Just as Wu Youyou was about to cheer, she saw Ling Changting twitched violently, and then vomited out a mouthful of blood.

    Wu Youyou's heart that had just been put down immediately picked up again!

    "Master!" Wu Youyou rushed towards Ling Changting and supported his crumbling body, "What's wrong with you?!"

    "I didn't..."

    Ling Changting was about to comfort Wu Youyou that he was fine, but he didn't want a fishy throat. Another mouthful of blood was vomited.

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