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Chapter 56 The secretary just wants to eat melon [19]

    Wu Youyou slept until dawn.

    After waking up, looking at the light coming in through the cracks in the curtains, Wu Youyou recalled what happened last night, and still felt unreal.

    Ling Zhuo confessed to her.

    They are now boyfriend and girlfriend.

    Thinking of this, Wu Youyou couldn't help burying her face in the quilt and snickering.

    Lai was happy on the bed for a while before Wu Youyou reached out to the bedside table and touched the phone.

    Once unlocked, a WeChat message from Ling Zhuo popped up in the message bar. There are a dozen.

    It's just that his message was too long, and the mobile phone system only displayed the first few words, and the last words were cut off.

    Wu Youyou is in a good mood. She clicked on WeChat.

    The first message Ling Zhuo sent her was a photo of the middle-level Lingfang Group meeting in a large conference room.

    From the angle of the photo, it should be taken by Ling Zhuo, who was sitting in the chair seat of the conference table.

    After confirming that the photo was taken by Ling Zhuo, Wu Youyou crossed the photo to see what message Ling Zhuo sent her.

    Ling: [In a meeting. ]

    Ling: [Today's meeting is for the middle-level leaders of the group xxxx]

    Ling Zhuo explained it through WeChat.

    Wu Youyou couldn't help laughing when she saw Ling Zhuo typed out such a long essay and sent it to herself.

    It seems that his meeting was very boring.

    Even though she thought so, Wu Youyou still read the few paragraphs sent by Ling Zhuo.

    Then, Ling Zhuo changed his words.

    Ling: [Meetings used to be very boring, but with you by my side, time passed quickly. 】

    Ling: 【But you are not here today, I am not used to it. It feels like the meeting time has become too long. 】

    Ling: [Yuyou, I miss you. ]


    Seeing Ling Zhuo so blatantly saying that he missed him, Wu Youyou's face was a little hot.

    Clicking on the input box, Wu Youyou typed with both hands and sent a message back to Ling Zhuo.

    YOYO: [You are enough! ]

    YOYO: [Work hard! ]

    YOYO: [I got up to eat, I'm ignoring you~]

    The first message from Wu Youyou was sent, and Ling Zhuo's status immediately changed to "inputting...".

    After she had sent all three messages, Ling Zhuo's message came back.

    Ling: [Well, remember to eat less, I'll pick you up for lunch after get off work later. ]

    YOYO: [Okay~]


    After finishing the conversation with Ling Zhuo, Wu Youyou put down the phone and got up.

The female partner just wants to eat melon [Quick Wear] Where stories live. Discover now