Chapter 177

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Chapter 177 The imperial concubine refuses to take the blame [5]

    After noticing that there was a problem on the west side of Jiaofang Palace, Wu Youyou did not go out in person, but asked Liuli to send trusted people to inquire there secretly to see if there were any clues related to the first queen Fang Yun.

    Wu Youyou is not stupid, she knows that her goals are big, and if she goes out in person, it will definitely attract the attention of the dog emperor.

    But no matter how careful the people Wu Youyou sent out, they couldn't get close to that area.

    It turned out that after Wu Youyou accidentally entered the Jiaofang Hall that day, the emperor ordered people to strengthen the patrol there. No matter who happened to pass by that area, they would definitely be caught and questioned by the patrolling guards. Suspicious persons will also be caught and tortured.

    The more the emperor is like this, the more sure Wu Youyou is that there is definitely a ghost over there!

    It's just... the emperor protects it so well, how should she check it out?


    some thought, Wu Youyou realized that no matter what she did in this palace, she would definitely not be able to handle the dog emperor.

    Since you can't get him in the dark, let's walk the bright way!

    Wu Youyou thought so, when the emperor came to visit her in Qingluan Palace, he asked straight to the point: "Your Majesty, what is there in Jiaofang Palace?" I

    didn't expect Wu Youyou to ask so straightforwardly, the emperor Slightly startled, he frowned immediately: "What are you asking about this?!"

    "I'm curious!" Wu Youyou raised her cheeks and looked at the emperor, pretending to be innocent, "The Jiaofang Palace has been burnt down for many years, Your Majesty, you Why don't you order someone to rebuild it?"

    "It's haunted over there." The

    emperor said with a stern face.

    "Wow—!" Wu Youyou exclaimed, looking excited, "So exciting?! Then I'm going to catch ghosts!"

    Wu Youyou's words fell, and the emperor immediately scolded her: "Nonsense!" The

    emperor was furious, Once again, all the palace servants in the room fell to their knees in unison.

    Wu Youyou didn't move, she just flattened her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes, and called out aggrievedly, "Your Majesty!" The

    emperor's face became slightly loose after a while.

    "Yuyou, don't make trouble." The emperor tried his best to make his voice sound softer, "As my concubine, how can you be deeply involved in danger?"

    Seeing the emperor take a step back, Wu Youyou immediately took a step forward: "I don't care! I don't care! I 'm going!" The

    emperor was provoked again: "Dong Youyou!!"

    Hearing that the emperor called out the name of the imperial concubine with her first and last name, all the palace attendants were so frightened that they fell to the ground and shivered. , no one dared to look up.

    Wu Youyou knew that Emperor Gou would definitely not let him go to Jiaofang Palace to investigate, so he changed his tone and mentioned the main purpose of his dialogue with the emperor this time: "The emperor does not want to let his concubines go, then the emperor must agree. The concubine has a request." Knowing that Wu Youyou would not be entangled in the Jiaofang Palace, the     emperor

    breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "You say it."

The concubine is willing to say it." The

    emperor: "..." The

    emperor: "You say it first."

    Finding that the dog emperor couldn't make a routine, Wu Youyou rolled her big black and white eyes and expressed her request: "Your Majesty, this concubine wants to be a queen!"


    soon as Wu Youyou finished speaking, the emperor raised his hand and "wow-" swept all the tea bowls, fruit plates and other items on the coffee table in front of him to the ground!

    At the sound of the shattering porcelain plate and cup, the emperor stood up angrily and yelled at Wu Youyou: "Dong Youyou! People are not enough to swallow an elephant! Do you want to be a queen?! What do you want to be a queen!! "

    Are you worthy? !

    The emperor has always been forbearance, and this is the first time Wu Youyou has seen such a rampage.

    Wu Youyou was also frightened by him for a while.

    The emperor seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and immediately walked away: "Come here, pass on my will - the imperial concubine's words inappropriately collided with me, and fined her to think behind closed doors for half a month, and fined her salary for a year!! Twenty big boards, and a one-year fine!"


    When she learned that Concubine Dong Gui, who had done so much evil, finally suffered the consequences, it angered the emperor, and everyone in the palace applauded.


    This Concubine Dong has been arrogant for so long, it is time to punish her severely!

    It was the emperor who punished her too lightly! Only let her think behind closed doors for half a month! How does this work? ! At least, like the palace servants in her Qingluan Palace, you have to play twenty big boards first, right? !

    But the joyous mood of the crowd did not last long.

    Half a month later, Concubine Dong Gui lifted the foot restraint order on the front foot, and the emperor's imperial decree arrived on the back foot.

    In the imperial decree, the emperor praised Concubine Dong Gui for being virtuous, virtuous, honest and upright, and she was canonized as an imperial concubine.

    The people were shocked when they heard the news! !

    What kind of shit luck is this, Concubine Dong Gui? !

    When everyone thought she had fallen out of favor, she actually made a comeback...and rose steadily? !



    only did the masses think this was outrageous, but even Wu Youyou, the party involved, felt that the emperor's actions were very bizarre!

    Why is this dog emperor so moody? !

    Doesn't he like me? ! Can't you just get to the end with me? !

    Do you want to make up for my regret that I can't make me a queen by adding this imperial concubine to me? !



    Although Wu Youyou was baffled by the emperor's actions, Wu Youyou determined one thing through the emperor's series of coquettish actions - the first empress Fang Yun was the death point of the dog emperor.

    And, for another matter, Wu Youyou is 70% sure - Fang Yun should be alive!

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