Chapter 180

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Chapter 180 The imperial concubine refused to take the blame [eight]

    Hearing Wu Youyou's words, Fang Yun couldn't help but be shocked: "Of course I want to!" But

    after saying this, Fang Yun's mood suddenly dropped: "But I was locked in this cage by Ling Chen and couldn't move, He threatened with the lives of my nephews again... What can I do?"

    Wu Youyou thought for a while before holding Fang Yun's hand and sincerely said to her, "Sister Fang, There are so many things you can do! The reason why the Emperor Dog kept you until now and told you so many secrets shows that you are extraordinary in his heart... Sister Fang, you were too strong before! Falling into such a situation! If you really want to avenge the Fang family, then please bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and the dog emperor is empty and condescending, and erodes him from his heart... bit by bit! We will work with you to deal with him together. Down!"

    Wu Youyou's words made Fang Yun's brows furrowed, and she squeezed Wu Youyou's hands tightly.

    But he didn't say a word.

    Wu Youyou bit her lower lip and gave Fang Yun a powerful medicine: "Sister Fang! Think about your nephews! They are the only future of the Fang family! For them, you have endured the grievances of the past three years. It's down! Now I'm just bowing my head to the dog emperor! What can't I do?!"

    Wu Youyou's words finally moved Fang Yun.

    Fang Yun closed his eyes painfully, quietly shed two tears, and finally opened his eyes suddenly.

    At this time, her eyes were full of determination.

    "Xishi and Zheng Dan can make a compromise for the country of Yue, and the King of Wu will make him indulge in alcoholism, be neglected in state affairs, and finally destroy the country and die. I betray some self-respect for the lives of 1,300 people in our family. So what?! Miss Dong, you are right! I used to be too sharp! I should get rid of my arrogant stinky habit! Now—I want Ling Chen to die!!”


    the secret room, Wu Youyou and Fang Yun talked a lot more, and when it was almost dawn, she left quietly.

    The task of visiting Jiaofangdian at night was successfully completed, and Wu Youyou slept well.

    Sleep till dawn.

    After waking up, Wu Youyou thought about it, but couldn't bear it anymore, and ordered someone to go to the emperor, saying that she wanted to see her mother, Mrs. Dong.

    At this moment, the emperor was very busy with the war in the southwest, and he couldn't think about it. Wu Youyou said that he wanted to see his mother, and he agreed immediately, and told the palace servant who sent the message to leave quickly, so as not to delay his busy work.

    So, Mrs. Dong entered the palace again.

    Wu Youyou told Mrs. Dong how she found Fang Yun and what she said to Fang Yun last night, and instructed the Dong family to secretly investigate the whereabouts of several young masters of the Fang family.

    With the task given by Wu Youyou, Mrs. Dong went back.

    Everything is arranged properly, then, Wu Youyou just needs to wait and see what happens.


    being woken up by Wu Youyou, Fang Yun began to increase his output.

    Wu Youyou was right, the emperor had Fang Yun in his heart. And, love her deeply.

    Sure enough, when Fang Yun became soft, the emperor's heart didn't know where it was going.

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