Chapter 164

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Chapter 164 The big sister just wants to learn [18]

    Early the next morning, Ling Xi boarded the plane to H city.

    When he set off and landed, he sent WeChat to Wu Youyou to report safety.

    The NOI summer camp officially opened the next day, so Ling Xi was very free all day, just wandering around in H city, while sending messages to Wu Youyou, and sharing the scenery she saw in H city with her.

    It is said that "there is heaven above and below is Suzhou and Hangzhou". As a famous city in the south of the Yangtze River with a long history, there is no doubt about the charm of the city.

    Seeing the beautiful scenery sent by Ling Xi, Wu Youyou suddenly yearned for it: [I really want to go to H City to play! ]

    Ling Xi replied to her: [Unfortunately, our summer camp schedule is too full... Otherwise, you can really come over and we will play together. 】

    After a pause, Ling Xi replied again: 【The summer camp lasts for a week, and the camp ends next Tuesday... Would you like to come over next Tuesday and let's play in H City for a few days? ]

    YOYO: [Ling Xi, you really haven't been in class for a long time! We will be the third year of high school next semester, so what kind of summer vacation is there? ! Next Monday, we prospective high school seniors will go back to school! 】

    Ling Xi: 【=. =]

    Ling Xi: [I really forgot...]

    YOYO: [Silent.jpg]

    YOYO: [But it doesn't matter, when the college entrance examination is over, let's go together! 】

    Ling Xi: 【Good. This time next year, we will go together again. ]


    Xi played around in H City, and that night, the summer camp schedule came out.

    He immediately took a photo of the schedule and sent it to Wu Youyou.

    Wu Youyou looked at it, and as expected by Ling Xi, from 7:00 in the morning to 22:00 in the evening, his daily schedule was full. Not only the opening ceremony and practice games, but also two competition days, a social activity day, and finally the closing ceremony and the evacuation day after the camp.

    After sending out the schedule, Ling Xi also gave Wu Youyou a shot: [I should be very busy these days, and I don't have much time to look at my phone. ]

    YOYO: [I know. You can play with peace of mind, I won't disturb you~]

    Ling Xi: [It doesn't matter if you disturb me~ You can send me WeChat anytime, anywhere, but I can't reply to you right away. When all the schedules are over, I will read your message and reply to you at night. ]

    YOYO: [Okay~]

    Ling Xi: [I'm busy, you can't play crazy. Set aside at least five hours a day to write practice questions. ]

    YOYO: [=. =]

    YOYO: [I know, I know! Housekeeper! ]


    enough, Ling Xi lost contact early the next morning.

    It's not that Wu Youyou has never experienced such a thing. When Ling Xi was training with the provincial team, his mobile phone was confiscated directly, and he could lose contact for several days.

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