Chapter 154

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Chapter 154 The Big Sister Just Wants To Learn [Eight]

    Not to mention Ling Xi's question about Lao Cai, even Wu Youyou was dumbfounded on the spot.

    After a while, Ling Xicai explained quite bewildered: "Mr. Cai, you have misunderstood! Youyou and I are very good friends now, and there is no such love relationship as you said!"

    Lao Cai narrowed his eyes: "Really?"

    Ling Xi raised his hand and swore on the spot, "Really!! Now, Yoyo and I are good friends who study together, fight side by side, and make progress together!"

    Although Ling Xi uses the qualifier "now" for some reason ! , but when Wu Youyou heard his answer, she still felt a little lost.

    As for Ling Xi's explanation, Lao Cai scoffed: "Study? Gu You? Ling Xi, are you kidding me?! Who doesn't know that Gu You is an ignorant and ignorant boy?! How could she be? Can you learn?! Take 10,000 steps back, even if she really wants to start studying, how can you two learn together in a college entrance examination class and an international class?!"

    "Mr. Cai, Youyou participated in our midterm exam." Ling Xi explained for Wu Youyou, "Yuyou said that she is not going abroad, and she will be transferred to our college entrance examination class next semester."

    "Really?" Lao Cai still looked suspicious, "Gu You's family is so wealthy, she really will leave the near and far, and participate in the college entrance examination that is thousands of times tens of thousands of times more difficult than going abroad??

    " Going in, Ling Xi spoke softly and stopped arguing with him.

    "Mr. Cai, you should finish reading the paper in two days. You will know whether what I said is true or false when you look at the grade rankings."


    Xi said so, Lao Cai If you don't believe what he says, it will be too disrespectful to him.

    So, Lao Cai reluctantly believed it and said, "Then wait for two days when the senior rankings come out, and then we will see the difference."

    Having said that, the education is almost done, Lao Cai came to a summary Chen Chen Ci: "So Ling Xi, you have to understand - your primary task now is to study! Don't be influenced by people like Gu You!"

    Hearing Lao Cai said that Wu Youyou was "that kind of person", Ling Xi frowned.

    "Mr. Cai, you really have too much prejudice against Youyou. She is no longer the Gu You before." Ling Xi explained to Wu Youyou, and then assured Lao Cai, "Also, Teacher Cai, don't worry. , I won't let these things affect my studies."

    "You just need to be careful!" Lao Cai waved at Ling Xi, "If you have nothing to do, go back. You are tired after taking the test for three consecutive days, so hurry up. Rest."

    Ling Xi: "Okay, Mr. Cai."


    watching Lao Cai walk away, Ling Xi turned to look at Wu Youyou's place and called her: "Yuyou, come here."

    Wu Youyou didn't expect Ling Xi to discover her existence early in the morning, she was stunned for a moment, then she answered him and walked over.

    "Have you heard the conversation between Mr. Cai and me just now?"

    Ling Xi asked Wu Youyou.

    Wu Youyou nodded: "Well."

    Ling Xi: "You don't have to take it to heart. Most teachers only focus on grades. When your grades gradually catch up, teachers will naturally look at you with admiration. It's over."

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