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Chapter 101 The husband who died in battle is back [Twenty-one]

    But no matter how worried Wu Youyou was, she couldn't fly to Ling Jingyi's side.

    She could only stay at home honestly and wait for him to return.

    The developments in the capital began to spiral out of control.

    Two days later, the second prince found that he still could not see the emperor, so he rose up and led three thousand of his own personal soldiers, intending to break into Xuanwumen, capture Ling Jingyi, Qingjun side, Yasukuni disaster!

    At the same time, an army of tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the southwest, claiming to be the "Qian Army", echoing the second prince, and preparing to go north to support.

    The second prince drove straight in, and he was invincible to the emperor's palace, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

    But in the hall, the second prince met the emperor who only injured his arm and was safe.

    At the moment when he saw the emperor, the second prince knew that he was in the game.

    Obviously the situation is over, but the second prince is struggling to the death, intending to kill the king on the spot!

    Ling Jingyi and others had anticipated the second prince's thoughts early in the morning, and they had already deployed layers of guards around the emperor.

    The second prince could not get close to the emperor at all.

    But who would have thought, the real goal of the second prince is not the emperor.

    When he was in the air, the second prince twisted his waist and pointed his sharp sword at Ling Jingyi!


    second prince of the rebel bandit leader was captured.

    And the Qian army went north all the way unimpeded, and just after leaving Qianzhou, they encountered the army of Jiannan Jiedu who came to encircle and suppress them.

    There was also news from Beijing that the Second Prince was being executed.

    Knowing that the leader of the thief and the second prince had been surrendered, the momentum of the Qian army suddenly plummeted, and the officers and men in the army turned around and fled.

    Just when the Qianjun army was in chaos, Jiannan Jiedushi issued a decree from the sage, saying that the sage was sympathetic to the people of the Guizhou army who were fooled by the second prince's words, and was willing to give them another chance. Those who surrender voluntarily will not be blamed and will not be punished.

    Chin this.

    Hearing that the sage has such a mighty kindness, how can the soldiers of the Guizhou army not obey?

    They abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

    Jiannan Jiedushi's army broke through the Qian army without a single soldier.


    is no problem with the Holy One, the ban in the capital has been lifted.

    At the same time, the news that Jiannan Jiedu's army defeated the Qian army was sent back to Beijing, and the people understood the cause and effect of the incident.

    ——It turns out that the second prince colluded with the rebel party in Qianzhou, and wanted to rebel! !

    The biological mother of these two princes was a palace maid from Xin Zheku, with a low status, and he was ugly and unloved by the emperor. No matter how the throne took place, it would not be his turn.

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