Chapter 145

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Chapter 145 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [29]

    The moment the spell hit Taotie's forehead, it immediately turned into a small, fist-sized ball like a deflated balloon with a "呲——" sound.

    Fluffy, like a kitten that was just born.

    The children of Mao Da and A Xing who have been raised for so many years, Wu Youyou knows how to deal with these furry little animals.

    Reaching out his hand and pinching the back of Taotie's neck, Wu Youyou directly lifted it and turned to show Ling Changting: "Master, look! I caught Taotie!"

    Seeing Wu Youyou's happy appearance, Ling Changting With a smile, he put away the spells and brushes in his hands, and replied, "Well, you caught the gluttonous food."

    Wu Youyou smiled "hee hee", not showing any humility at all, and directly took the credit for it He recognized it: "Isn't it! Who told me to be a master's apprentice!     Famous teachers make great apprentices!


The bottle stopper, let Wu Youyou throw the gluttonous food in.

    Then re-stop the bottle and put the seal on.

    The Sealing Monster Bottle is a transparent crystal bottle, and you can see the little gluttonous gluttons in the bottle motionless, just like a specimen, Wu Youyou couldn't help but ask again: "Master, can taotie really be killed? ?"

    Wu Youyou asked this question on the way here, and Ling Changting also answered it. But when she was asked again, Ling Changting still answered patiently: "I have checked all the books in this world, and they all say that Taotie is an ancient monster, born in chaos, and has the same life as heaven and earth. It can also be attached to light and dust, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and be reborn."

    Hearing this, Wu Youyou was inevitably a little dejected: "So, to deal with gluttonous, there is only one way to seal it?"

    Ling Chang Ting nodded first, then pondered for a while, and asked Wu Youyou, "Don't you like to keep cats? I see that the gluttonous taotie with the spell is no different from the cat, why don't you keep it?"

    Wu Youyou glanced at the gluttonous food in the sealed demon bottle, and snorted with disgust, and rejected Ling Changting's proposal without hesitation: "I don't want to keep it! It 's unreasonable!"

    Speaking of which, Wu Youyou paused for a while, and then muttered in a low voice: "And he has plans for you..."

    Wu Youyou's voice was too low, Ling Changting didn't hear what she said clearly, so he "Huh?" After a while, "Yuyou, what did you say?"

    "Nothing!" Wu Youyou skipped this question without hesitation, and went straight to the next topic, "Master, then we are going to bring gluttonous food with us. Go to the deep seal of Mingqi?"

    Ling Changting responded to Wu Youyou and said: "Yes. There is a place where the yin and the yang are located, which is the best place to seal the gluttonous

    food ." The demon-sealing bottle the size of a hot water bottle suddenly shrank a lot, becoming only the size of a chewing gum box.

    Putting the sealed bottle in the bag, Ling Changting said with Wu Youyou: "Let's go, let's go to Mingqi Zhiyuan now. This spell can only suppress Taotie for about an hour, we have to hurry up.

    " -Ling

    Changting and Wu Youyou were about to leave when they heard a clear woman's voice coming from the mountain gate of Lu Qixian's gate behind them: "Master Ling, please stay."

    Wu Youyou was slightly startled, and when he looked back, he saw Lu Qixian. The current head of the sect, Xiang Zhilan, led a group of Lu Qixian disciples, and Yu Jian flew out from the mountain gate.

    Wu Youyou curled her lips in contempt, and said, "They ran very fast when they fought just now. Now

    that the taotie is safe after the fight, they came out." Hearing Wu Youyou's rant, Ling Changting laughed.

    "Yuyou, what do you think they are here for?"

    Ling Changting asked Wu Youyou.

    Wu Youyou shrugged and replied, "What else can I do? Naturally, I came to make friends with you~"

    Wu Youyou's voice fell, and Xiang Zhilan led the disciples to greet him with a flattering face: "Master Ling is really amazing! In just a stick of incense, he captured this evildoer!"

    Facing Xiang Zhilan The compliment, Ling Changting was noncommittal, and only asked: "What is the important thing to come here to Junior Nephew Xiang?"

    Hearing Ling Changting's question, Xiang Zhilan immediately leaned back and stood up, and respectfully bowed to Ling Changting. , Fang said: "Master Ling, my little nephew is asking you to sin."

    Ling Changting raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's the guilt of nephew Xiang?"

    "I'm ashamed to say it!" Xiang Zhilan said with a look of guilt , "When I learned that Master Ling, you and Junior Sister Youyou had an accident on Lingxiu Mountain and their whereabouts were unknown, I made a request to Gu Huanshen to send Lu Qixian disciples into Lingxiu Mountain to search for you and the younger sister. But Gu Huanshen said that The wicked man, his heart can be punished! Not only did he not listen to me, but he also scolded me fiercely..."

    Seeing Xiang Zhilan want to talk about the past at length, Ling Changting was cold He interrupted her: "I'm going to point out that Yoyo and I have to rush to the Abyss of Mingqi."

    "Yes, yes."

    Xiang Zhilan replied, speeding up his speech, and saying that he came here this time. The intent is briefly stated.

    Roughly, she threw the blame for her inaction to Gu Huanshen. In fact, she really wanted to find Ling Changting, hoping that he and Wu Youyou would be safe. By the way, the matter of Wuweifeng being copied was also put on Gu Huanshen's head, and it was counted as his fault, saying that he had swallowed all of Ling Changting's treasures.

    After saying his position, Xiang Zhilan threw an olive branch to Ling Changting: "Master Ling, the traitor Gu Huanshen has been kicked out of Lu Qixianmen! It's not a problem that you and Junior Sister Youyou have been wandering outside. Come back with Junior Sister Youyou! After Gu Huan was kicked out, the little nephew immediately ordered your Wuwei Peak to be restored to its original state, waiting for you to come back and continue to be the master of our Lu Qixian Sect, Enze Us disciples and grandchildren..."

    Hearing Xiang Zhilan say this, Wu Youyou couldn't help widening her eyes - eh? ! When did Wuweifeng return to its original state? !

    When she and her master passed by just now, they were still in a mess! !

    Could it be that in the short period of time when Master and Taotie PKed, Xiang Zhilan immediately sent someone to clean up Wuwei Peak, so that he could ask Master to go back now? !

    While speculating, Wu Youyou turned to look at Ling Changting, and asked him silently with his eyes - Master, shall we go back?

    Ling Changting gave Wu Youyou a reassuring look, and then replied to Xiang Zhilan: "Whether I want to go back to Lu Qixianmen, it depends on what Youyou means. But now is not the time to discuss this matter, wait for me and Youyou to seal the gluttony, I'll give you an answer."

    After speaking, Ling Changting took Wu Youyou's hand and left with her Yujian.

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