Chapter 150

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Chapter 150 The big sister just wants to learn [four]

    Hearing Wu Youyou's name of the class, Lao Xue was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

    So, he and Wu Youyou confirmed it again: "Do you want to go to Class 187?"

    Wu Youyou nodded: "Well, I want to go to Class 187."

    Confirming that he heard correctly, Wu Youyou really wanted to go to Class 187, Old Xue suddenly couldn't help crying.

    "Gu You, Gu You!" Lao Xue looked at Wu Youyou helplessly, and taught her, "The teacher knows that you have high ambitions and want to study with your amazing classmates in the rocket class. But have you ever thought about it, you went I can't keep up! If nothing else, Class 187 will finish all the three-year high school courses in this semester, and they will be ready to start reviewing the content of the college entrance examination in the next semester! You have left them so much, How can you catch up?!"

    "Mr. Xue, if you don't let me try, how do you know I can't catch up?"

    Wu Youyou was full of confidence.

    Lao Xue is a good teacher. He never discourages students.

    Seeing Wu Youyou like this, Lao Xue readily agreed to her: "Okay! Since you are so confident, then I will make another agreement with you - if this semester's final exam, your grades will be ranked in class 187. If you are in the top 40, I will allow you to transfer to their class! If you don't make it, you can honestly go to the regular class." At

    this time, it was almost half a semester since the first semester of the second year of high school, which means that Wu Youyou needs to use it. In half a semester, I will catch up with the study progress of the domestic college entrance examination classes, and at the same time, I must get good grades in the final exam.

    This is undoubtedly a huge test for Wu Youyou, whose foundation is basically 0.

    But Wu Youyou didn't want to give up so soon.

    So she agreed to the conditions of Laoxue: "Good teacher Xue Do not worry, this semester's final exam, I certainly do go into the 187 class!!"


    Wu lengthy and Laoxue finished talking, the school also .

    Wu Youyou left the school, first had a good meal, and then went to the hairdressing studio to dye her hair chestnut color.

    After getting her hair done, Wu Youyou went straight to the bookstore, ready to buy a special meal!

    Wu Youyou doesn't know how others learn, anyway, she! Yes! Depend on! Tactics of the sea! learned!

    Copy the successful experience and it's over!


    Youyou only visited the bookstore for ten minutes, and he bought a large basket of reference books.

    This is only mathematics, physics and chemistry, and English language has not been taken.

    Wu Youyou couldn't see it at first glance. It would be terrible for her to move back so many books alone, so she called Gu Lei and asked Gu Lei to send a car and two people to Xinhua Bookstore to wait for her. She wanted to bring the books back. School.

    Gu Lei is such a precious little sister, and Wu Youyou's request will naturally have nothing to do with him.

    The brothers and sisters chatted a few more times on the phone, and Wu Youyou hung up the phone.

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