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Chapter 106 The Pure Straight Daughter in Lily Wen [3]

    Wu Youyou couldn't help frowning at Ling Yize's name.

    this man! Is it too familiar? ! Yoyo what Yoyo? ! Are we familiar enough to call each other by their first names? !

    After slandering Ling Yize in his heart, Wu Youyou looked at him and asked, "Mr. Ling, what are you doing to me?"

    Ling Yize raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "Seven thirty...you Haven't eaten yet?"

    Wu Youyou didn't know why Ling Yize suddenly asked this, she didn't think much about it, and answered frankly: "Not yet."

    "It's all my fault for making you wait so long." Ling Yi Ze smiled so much that his eyes curled up, "As an apology, I'll treat you to dinner, what would you like to eat?"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    ? ? ?

    What happened to this Ling Yize? !

    Although the free dinner was very tempting, Wu Youyou just struggled a little and then rejected Ling Yize directly: "Mr. Ling, if you have something to say, just ask me for dinner or something, but it's not necessary."

    "How could it be? Don't you have to?" After speaking, Ling Yize picked up the car key and locked the car directly, then pointed to the front, "I know that there is a grocery store in front of me that does a good job, let's go eat that."

    Seeing that Wu Youyou seemed to want to refuse, Ling Yize grabbed ahead of her and said, "Yuyou, I'm hungry so late, so you should accompany me to eat. There are two sushi in that restaurant. One portion, it's just right for two people to go."

    Wu Youyou: "But..."

    Ling Yize: "It's nothing, let's go!"


    Youyou didn't know what to do, so she let Ling Yize be confused. Take it to that sushi restaurant.

    Sitting face to face with Ling Yize on the booth in the sushi restaurant, Wu Youyou couldn't help but fell into deep thought - it must be because Ling Yize is so handsome! Her straight daughter couldn't hold it for a while, and was seduced by his beauty! !

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou took a look at Ling Yize secretly out of the corner of his eyes, he was looking at the menu seriously.

    The light in the sushi restaurant was warm yellow, and it fell softly on Ling Yize's face, reflecting his well-defined profile as if it were drawn.

    His eyebrows are thick and heroic; his nose is high and straight, and his lips are a little thin, but he doesn't appear to be affectionate.

    Among Ling Yize's delicate facial features, the most difficult to ignore are his eyes.

    Those eyes are like the vast sea in the dark night, and like the clear night of summer, with dark waves surging and stars shining.

    How can someone have such beautiful eyes?

    Wu Youyou couldn't help sighing in her heart.

    No wonder she, Wu Youyou, is out of guarantee tonight.

    In the face of such a handsome guy, which straight girl can keep her integrity? !


    Wu Youyou peeked at Ling Yize, he suddenly curved the corners of his mouth and asked abruptly, "Do I look good?"

    Wu Youyou was frightened by the question that Ling Yize suddenly asked. Big jump.

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