Chapter 131

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Chapter 131 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [15]

    Ling Changting installed Wu Youyou's spiritual treasure for a long time, and almost emptied his spiritual treasure house, and then it stopped.

    Then, urge Wu Youyou to memorize the Lingbao roster.

    The scumbag Wu Youyou felt a pain in her head and pain in her eggs (if any).

    The stubborn Wu Youyou recites the Lingbao roster for a few days, and it can be regarded as a complete understanding of the treasures collected by Ling Changting.

    Then, tomorrow is the day when the disciples of Lu Qixianmen set off for Lingxiu Mountain! !

    Exactly, it is the seventh day of June.

    When Wu Youyou saw this day, she was happy - isn't it the college entrance examination! The same day is chosen!

    Knowing that she will be on the battlefield the next day, no, in the examination room, Wu Youyou lost sleep that night.

    She was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

    I don't know if it was because she turned over too loudly, or because Ling Changting had a good heart with her, Wu Youyou suddenly heard Ling Changting's voice in the dark: "Yuyou, insomnia?"

    Wu Youyou was frightened by the voice that suddenly came from the darkness. A jump.

    But after being in the world of immortality for so long, Wu Youyou is somewhat immune to these supernatural events.

    "Well, I thought that tomorrow would be the spiritual practice mountain trial, so I was so excited that I couldn't sleep."

    Wu Youyou replied to Ling Changting.

    Ling Changting said: "Then you come out, our master and apprentice are taking a walk on this Wuwei Peak?"

    Although Ling Changting's face could not be seen, Wu Youyou could still hear his emotions from his tone.

    He seemed to be smiling.

    After thinking about it, Wu Youyou felt that she couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she struggled, so she jumped up from the bed with a carp: "Master Haole, wait for me at the mountain gate, I'll be right here!"


    Wu Youyou put on her clothes and came out, Ling Changting was already waiting outside her room door.

    Ling Changting's eyes kept looking at Wu Youyou's door, and when he saw Wu Youyou, the corners of his mouth rose up involuntarily.

    Reaching out to Wu Youyou, Ling Changting said, "Come on, let's go to the lotus pond for a stroll."

    Wu Youyou walked to Ling Changting with a smile, put his hand on his palm, and repeated His words: "Let's go, let's go to see the lotus!"


    was no lotus pond on Wuwei Peak. It was because Wu Youyou found that she loved the lotus-flavored food, so Ling Changting specially built it for her in the back mountain. A place came out, attracted the mountain spring water, and raised lotus flowers.

    Right now, it's blooming season.

    Before the two of them reached the lotus pond, the mountain wind blew the fragrance of lotus flowers and leaves from a distance.

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