Chapter 130

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Chapter 130 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [14]

    Ling Changting did what he said, and immediately arranged a complete 007 training plan for Wu Youyou.

    Every morning before dawn, Wu Youyou was woken up by a few big cats at home pulling at the door, and then practiced basic skills on Wuwei Peak. Running laps, fetching water, dashing horses...they didn't fall.

    When doing this, Wu Youyou only felt that she had come to a martial arts school.

    Practice physical education in the morning, then eat and take a nap, and get up in the afternoon to continue.

    All day long, the big cats are watching and practicing basic skills. At night, it is the one-on-one spell teaching class between the master and the apprentice.

    Ling Changting first taught Wu Youyou the technique of escaping the ground.

    Wu Youyou is quite savvy, and he learned the escaping technique in two nights.

    Ling Changting immediately taught her other spells. And the requirements are very strict, requiring two nights to basically master a spell.

    If it makes you uncomfortable, don't give sleep.

    Wu Youyou often studies until the middle of the month, when she has to rest.

    After practicing for a while, Wu Youyou vaguely felt that this scene seemed familiar.

    She even had a dream.

    When he got up one morning and finished eating, Wu Youyou and Ling Changting talked about his dream: "Master, do you think I've gone crazy with my practice? However, in my dream, it wasn't the cat who was supervising me, but a little Taoist boy... and there are! Master, you are actually an old man with white hair and a white beard in my dream!"

    Hearing Wu Youyou's words, Ling Changting paused for a moment with his chopsticks, then slowly dropped the chopsticks at night, and looked at Wu Youyou thoughtfully: "The master in your dream is wearing a Taoist robe, a lotus jade crown, and a floating dust in his hand. , an old man who loves to laugh?"

    Wu Youyou was surprised: "Hey! How did you know, Master?!"

    Ling Changting stared at Wu Youyou for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "It's not that you don't remember anything. already."

    Wu Youyou: "??"

    Under Wu Youyou's puzzled gaze, Ling Changting explained to her: "That's your master too. It's the immortal in ancient times, the old man of Dongxu."

    "The old man of Dongxu?"

    Wu Youyou was even more confused .

    She only felt that this name was familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

    Ling Changting reached out and patted Wu Youyou's little head, saying: "There are some books in my study that record ancient legends. If you are interested, you can take them and read

    them yourself." Wu Youyou responded excitedly: " Good!"

    Ling Changting: "However, if you want to see it, you will have to wait until you come back from Lingxiu Mountain. Right now, your most important task is to cultivate."

    "..." Wu Youyou suddenly slumped, " Oh."

    Ling Changting smiled: "Why, I have been suffering for a few days, and then I regret it? Why don't you go?"

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