Chapter 167

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Chapter 167 The eldest sister just wants to learn [Twenty-one]

    After winning Lao Xue's death-saving gold medal, Wu Youyou and Ling Xi trotted all the way to the track and field.

    Along the way, the two met several teachers who were checking the night.

    But after those teachers recognized Wu Youyou and Ling Xi, they were all kind, and let them go as if they didn't see them.

    Wu Youyou and Ling Xi knew that this must have been said by Lao Xue in the teacher group, so the teachers turned a blind eye.

    There were no lights and no people on the track.

    The moment they stepped on the plastic track of the track and field, Wu Youyou and Ling Xi reached out their hands in tacit understanding and held each other.

    At the moment when ten fingers clasped together, Wu Youyou couldn't help turning her head, just in time, falling into Ling Xi's twinkling eyes.

    After looking at each other for a moment, the two laughed together in a tacit understanding.

    "I didn't expect... Lao Xue actually let us go like this." Ling Xi said, clenching Wu Youyou's hand, and leaning closer to her, "I thought he wanted to give me some big demerits or something. ..."

    Wu Youyou was amused by Ling Xi's fearful tone: "You are going to study at Tsinghua University next semester, and you are not his student. How can he have the right to remember your major deeds?" After a

    pause, Wu Youyou added. : "Instead, I'm more dangerous!"

    Ling Xi smiled and shook his head: "No, next semester... I will continue to study at City No. 3 Middle School."

    Ling Xi's answer stumbled Wu Youyou's footsteps.

    "What's wrong?!" Wu Youyou looked at Ling Xi with a shocked expression, and said in a worried tone, "Didn't Tsinghua agree with you to admit you exceptionally?! Why don't they want it now?! How can they go back on their word!!"

    Speaking of the back, Wu Youyou stamped her feet anxiously.

    Seeing Wu Youyou's anxious eyes, Ling Xi quickly stretched out her empty left hand, patted the back of Wu Youyou's hand lightly, and reassured her: "Don't worry, Youyou, it's not what you think."

    "What is that? !"

    Wu Youyou asked.

    "This is what I put forward to Tsinghua University - I want to finish my senior year at City Third Middle School and re-enroll next fall."

    Ling Xi replied.

    Ling Xi's answer made Wu Youyou stunned for a moment, and then she looked incredulous: "Why?!"

    Ling Xi looked at Wu Youyou with burning eyes, and replied, "Because this year, I want to be by your side."

    — ——Ling

    Xi's words were like throwing a bomb into Wu Youyou's heart lake, which immediately blew her heart lake into splashes and waves.

    It completely stunned her.

    After being stunned for a while, Wu Youyou finally reacted. A little angry, and a little sweet.

    Wu Youyou couldn't tell for a while whether she was more angry or moved.

    In the end, he could only stare at Ling Xi helplessly: "Ling Xi, isn't your decision too impulsive?! Isn't it bad to enroll one year earlier?!"

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