Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [1]

    Wu Youyou has been in this world for seven days.

    During these seven days, Wu Youyou didn't do anything, and used it all to understand the world.

    This time, Wu Youyou came to a story with immortal cultivation as the background.

    It may be that the system is lazy and doesn't want to discover any new routines, so the story background of this immortal cultivation is similar to those immortal cultivation texts Wu Youyou once read.

    Because there is no threshold for immortal cultivation, everyone has the opportunity to enter the Dao, so the cultivation of immortality has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and a large number of "squeaky" have developed.

    But in this world where a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, the Yanshan School located on Yanshan Mountain in the north of Shenzhou and the Luqixianmen on Geshan Mountain in the south of Shenzhou can be described as one-of-a-kind. Immortal cultivators are also all over the world. They are simply Tsinghua University and Peking University in the cultivating world, and they are the TOP2 who do their part!

    South Luqi North Yanshan, you deserve it!

    Because of the fame and teaching ability of Yanshan School and Lu Qixian Sect, countless immortal cultivators come here every year, wanting to worship under the names of these two sects.

    In the matter of accepting disciples, the Yanshan faction and Lu Qixianmen took different routes.

    The Yanshan School is an extensive type of apprentice, as long as someone wants to worship the disciple, they will accept it. However, before the newcomers enter, the Yanshan Sect will conduct a spiritual root test for the newcomers, and charge the corresponding fees according to the level of the newcomers' spiritual roots.

    People with lower spiritual roots have to pay more money to enter the Yanshan School.

    As for people with high spiritual roots, as long as they are above a certain level, Yanshan faction will pay them back, and they are welcome to come!

    Knowing that Wu Youyou here couldn't help but complain - where is the Yanshan faction accepting apprentices? ! Isn't this just turning cultivators into a business! !

    [Cross Out] Hengshui Middle School in Xiuxianjie [Cross Out]!

    After talking about the Yanshan faction in the north, it is time to talk about the Lu Qixianmen in the south.

    Contrary to the rough method of accepting apprentices of the Yanshan School, Lu Qixianmen adopts the mode of accepting apprentices that strive for perfection. Those who want to enter Lu Qixianmen have to go through some trials first, walk straight up from the foot of Geshan Mountain, overcome thorns and thorns, and come to the outer mountain gate of Luqixianmen.

    This road is very dangerous, with fierce water beasts and poisonous snakes, which can basically screen out more than 95% of applicants.

    These applicants have gone through untold hardships, and they are not finished outside the outer mountain gate of Lu Qixianmen.

    Low spiritual roots does not mean that this person cannot enter Lu Qixianmen, but people with low immortality, Luqixianmen will not accept 100%.

    If it is said that passing the Lu Qixianmen's uphill test depends on strength and luck, then passing the Lu Qixianmen's immortal fate test is simply a metaphysics! !

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