Chapter 140

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Chapter 140 Harm! Cultivation of immortals is not the same thing [24]

    Wu Youyou did what he said.

    Seeing Wu Youyou, she was about to perform double repair with Ling Changting in public immediately. Cat Big Cat II and A Xing San Mao suddenly felt their scalps go numb, and fled Wu Youyou's performance scene in a panic.

    As he was leaving, A Xing also winked at Wu Youyou and Ling Changting to cast spells and cast a barrier, hiding the two of them inside the barrier.

    The three cats escaped from the cave where Wu Youyou and Ling Changting were.

    As soon as he came under the sun, Mao Da raised his paws, slapped A Xing fiercely on the head, and said angrily, "Be honest! You are a big cat, how can there be so many such messy books? ?!"

    Seeing the goddess's anger, A Xing immediately erected all the cat hair all over his body, and replied very nervously: "Baby Mingjian!! These books are all left by the disciples of the Xiuxian sect who came to the mountain to participate in the trial. Because Lingxiu Mountain is very suitable for dual cultivation, so many disciples of the Xiuxian sect have adapted to local conditions and messed up the relationship between men and women!! After finishing it, these dual cultivation cheats are thrown everywhere!! I thought that these picture books were thrown out. It's hurtful and outrageous! So I put them away so that no one can see them."

    "Really?!" The

    cat had a big face in disbelief.

    "Really! It's truer than pearls!!"

    Ah Xing said with certainty.

    Mao Da looked suspiciously at Ah Fortunately for a long time, and finally hummed and said, "It's better to be true! If I find out that you lied to me in the future, I will castrate you!!"

    Mao Da threatened only After saying that, the back of A Xing's head was cold, and then without hesitation, he put his hind legs together, and fell to the ground with a "bang": "Baby! Baby! If you have something to say, don't use a knife or a gun! How scary!!"

    Seeing A Xing's cowardly behavior, the cat hummed twice and said the classic words: "Oh, man!"


    Ling Changting's situation is special, so Wu Youyou's double cultivation The treatment course is relatively long.

    Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

    This spiritual practice mountain trial is over.

    Each sect and sect counted the number of people and checked the status of the disciples completing their tasks.

    The disciples of other sects came out as many as they entered. Only the disciples of Lu Qixianmen were missing two—Wu Youyou and Cui Ya.

    Apart from these two disciples, Ling Changting, the master of Lu Qixianmen, was also missing.

    Anyone can see that something is wrong.

    Gu Huanshen, the head of Lu Qixian's sect, immediately became nervous, and ordered his disciples to look for Ling Changting and the three of them on Lingxiu Mountain.

    Then, the disciples of Lu Qixianmen found several puddles of suspicious fresh blood near the top of Lingxiu Mountain.

    After some research by Gu Huanshen, he found that these bloodstains, the red pools are the blood of a monster with powerful demonic power, and the blood-red pools are Ling Changting's blood! !

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