Chapter 123

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Chapter 123 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [7]

    Just when Wu Youyou couldn't understand how things became like this, and when Wu Youyou, a carnivore, suddenly remembered eating noodles, Ling Changting's voice came from the kitchen: "Yuyou, I'm cooking with noodles. It will take a while to cook the noodles, if you feel too idle, just walk around and have a look."

    Hearing Ling Changting's words, Wu Youyou couldn't help but awe!

    This is all immortal! Everyone can step on the sword to the sky! Ling Changting actually used an ancient method to make noodles with his own hands! !

    What a craftsmanship this is!

    Really admirable! !

    Thinking like this, Wu Youyou replied "Okay" to Ling Changting, then stood up, ready to take a look around the yard.

    At this time, Ling Changting said again: "Not just our yard, you can stroll around the entire Wuwei Peak. I've already applied the barrier, and the Wuwei Peak is very safe."

    Wu Youyou: "Okay~"

    —— ——Since

    Ling Changting said so, Wu Youyou wondered if he didn't go shopping, isn't he sorry for the barrier that he had worked so hard for?

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou walked around the yard casually, and then walked out of the yard.

    As soon as he went out, Wu Youyou saw a stone road going down the mountain on the side of the gate of the courtyard. Wu Youyou didn't think much about it, and walked down the mountain along that road.

    Wuwei Peak rises from the ground, and the shape of the mountain is quite steep, but this small gravel road is well built with twists and turns, and the slope does not exceed 45°, which is very easy to walk.

    There are various plants on both sides of the road, including low shrubs and towering trees, sometimes with a few clusters of wildflowers, which are lively and open, which is quite interesting.

    Wu Youyou just walked like this while looking at the surrounding scenery. Occasionally a gust of mountain wind blows, cool and comfortable.

    In such a relaxed situation, Wu Youyou was completely empty, her mood was as stable as a motionless cloud in the sky, and she enjoyed the tranquility of the moment.

    Wu Youyou wandered around blindly, wandered off the path at the back, and wandered into the woods.

    The forest is full of trees dozens of meters high, with slender branches, like a spear with a handle, towering into the sky.

    Just when Wu Youyou was tired from shopping and wanted to sit down and rest for a while, she suddenly heard a roar of "Ouch" in her ears, and then a gust of wind came from behind!

    Wu Youyou froze in her heart, and without thinking, she stepped down and flew directly to the top of the tree beside her.

    When is it too late, when is it fast? ! I saw a big white-fronted tiger with dangling eyes galloping out of the mountain forest and pounced directly under the tree where Wu Youyou was living!

    With a "bang--", the big tiger slammed into the trunk of the tree, only to shake the body of the tree, and almost didn't knock Wu Youyou down from the tree.

    Wu Youyou was so frightened that she quickly hugged the branch, for fear that she would fall and die.

    Who knew that it was not enough for a big tiger to come, but in the blink of an eye, several giant cats jumped out of the forest. There are black leopards with shiny black hair, leopards with black spots on a yellow background, and a few smaller tigers.

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