Chapter 137

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Chapter 137 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [21]

    Wu Youyou didn't say anything. As soon as he said it, Ge Yunsheng's face was flushed, embarrassed and annoyed, and he rushed over with his sword and stabbed Wu Youyou.

    Seeing Ge Yunsheng's aggressive approach, Wu Youyou hurriedly took out his red sword and turned around to block the move.

    But between a breath and a breath, the two of them passed several moves.

    Wu Youyou was caught off-guard by Ge Yunsheng, and at first he fell behind. But after ten or so moves, Wu Youyou's sword style stabilized, and the battle with Ge Yunsheng became a draw.

    The battle situation was indistinguishable, Wu Youyou and Ge Yunsheng could not help but secretly wonder in their hearts - when did she become so powerful? !

    After a few more moves, Wu Youyou saw the clue—Ge Yunsheng's spiritual power was not pure. The spiritual power she released, in addition to the blue unique to water spells, was also mixed with the red unique to fire spells.

    Ge Yunsheng worshipped Xiang Zhilan, the third elder in charge of Shui Lingfeng, as his teacher at Lu Qixianmen. Her spiritual power showed blue, which was normal. Where does this red come from?

    Thinking of this, Wu Youyou only felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly realized!

    "Ge Yunsheng! Did Situ Jun give you his cultivation base?!" As soon as Wu


    's words came out, Ge Yunsheng stumbled.

    At this moment of lightning, Ge Yunsheng revealed his flaws, and Wu Youyou immediately stabbed it with a sword!

    Who knew that Wu Youyou moved faster, and Ge Yunsheng moved faster.

    She just leaned back, gave birth to a waist, and avoided Wu Youyou's sword.

    Wu Youyou praised Ge Yunsheng and said, "Good move!" The sword in his hand was like a dexterous snake, sticking up against Ge Yunsheng's waist and abdomen, and then snapped off Ge Yunsheng's belt with a "swoosh".

    The belt broke in two and fell, and Ge Yunsheng's robe suddenly loosened, and half of it collapsed, revealing her tightly wrapped neck.

    The red and green on the top are all strawberry prints.

    Seeing Ge Yunsheng's neck that was like cupping a can, Wu Youyou was surprised and gossiped with a "ha yo", and smiled: "Junior Nephew Ge, it turns out that you got Situ Jun's cultivation like this... That's true. Congratulations!"

    Wu Youyou didn't say anything, but Ge Yunsheng didn't say anything, even his eyes were red: "Tu Youyou! Shut up!!"

    Seeing Ge Yunsheng's moves, he started to mess up. , Wu Youyou knew that this trick was useful, so while blocking the sword she stabbed, she continued to provoke her with words: "It's no wonder that your cultivation has advanced so much! It's not that bad! In that small cave where the sun does not see the light of day, You and Situ Jun are alone in the same room, with firewood and fire, and an accident is inevitable~"

    "This Situ Jun really cares about you~~ I know you are in a hurry to break free from the immortal rope and complete the test. I gave you most of my cultivation base for the task of training for nothing~~ It's just that you are a big girl, tsk tsk~~"

    "But it doesn't matter~~ Our Lu Qixian Sect also allows disciples of the opposite sex to form a relationship with double cultivation~~ You can establish such a relationship with Situ Jun~~"

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