Chapter 138

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Chapter 138 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [22]

    Wu Youyou took two minutes to digest what Ling Changting said.

    Then, with a face full of indescribable words: [Master, what do you mean—the gluttonous avatar who came to participate in this Spiritual Cultivation Mountain Trial, and it is very likely that he is a disciple of our Lu Qixianmen? ]

    Ling Changting: [Yes. 】

    After a pause, Ling Changting asked Wu Youyou again: 【Yuyou, among the disciples of Lu Qixianmen, do you find anyone suspicious? 】

    【Suspicious? 】

    Wu Youyou repeated Ling Changting's sentence subconsciously, and a person's face suddenly appeared in his mind.

    【Really! ! 】Wu Youyou was excited, 【It was the one who entered Lu Qixianmen with me at the same time - Cui Ya! 】

    ——Thinking     of this, Wu Youyou suddenly became speechless - she was too old because she didn't read the almanac when she went out today? ! How long have you been away from the cave? ! Just bumped into three people in a row that you didn't want to bump into at all? !     But each one is not a good stubble!     Moreover, Wu Youyou can feel that the current Cui Ya's cultivation is much stronger than Ge Yunsheng and Di Chunying combined!     She struggled to beat a Ge Yunsheng, how could she beat Cui Ya! !     Just when Wu Youyou was thinking about fleeing or fleeing, Ling Changting's speech confirmed her decision: [Yuyou, run away! You can't beat her! ! 】    Ling Changting's words gave Wu Youyou a reassurance.     Wu Youyou kicked his foot without hesitation and disappeared!     ——Thinking     about it, Wu Youyou rushed to the ground and rolled quickly on the spot, avoiding Cui Ya's claw.

    Youyou was so shocked that she couldn't control herself for a while, and shouted out what Ling Changting said in the secret sound transmission technique: "Cui Ya!

    " A sexy voice came from behind: "Little Master, what did you ask me to do?"

    Unexpectedly, someone appeared behind him when he was not paying attention, Wu Youyou was horrified and turned around instantly.

    As soon as she turned around, Wu Youyou saw Cui Ya leaning gracefully against a camphor tree, looking at herself with blurry eyes.

    A coquettish and coquettish manner.

    When she saw Cuiya, Wu Youyou was still a little hesitant, not sure if she was Cuiya.

    Because, although the person in front of him has the exact same face as Cui Ya, the temperament of the whole person is completely different.

    In the past, Cui Ya was timid and humble, but this Cui Ya in front of her had a powerful aura, charming and enchanting, and looked like a fairy.

    Oh no, she's a goblin.

    Youyou escaped for thirty miles.

    Passing through the pitch-black land, Wu Youyou escaped from the west of Lingxiu Mountain to the southwest.

    Who knew that just as she emerged from the soil, she saw Cui Ya leaning against the tree with her arms in her arms, looking at her with a coquettish smile.

    "Little Master, don't run~ No matter how you run, you can't escape my Wuzhi Mountain~~"

    Cui Ya smiled and stretched out her right hand towards Wu Youyou.

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