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Chapter 96 The husband who died in battle is back [Sixteen]

    Wu Youyou's words expressed the doubts in the hearts of everyone present, and everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Ling Jingyi had to say.

    After being asked by Wu Youyou, Ling Jingyi realized that she was surrounded by a large group of people, all of them looking at him and Wu Youyou with curiosity.

    Finally, Ling Jingyi remembered her character as "Second Prince of Wu Guogong in a wheelchair".

    Ling Jingyi: "..."

    After a moment of silence, Ling Jingyi said nonsense: "I don't know why, as soon as I thought you were in danger, I felt a surge of blood going straight to the dantian, and then the meridians on my body were like It was a sudden call, which made me stand up from the wheelchair without realizing it. At that time, I was so full of you, I didn't even notice that I stood up. I just wanted to come to your side quickly. , don't let you face these villains alone!"

    Hearing Ling Jingyi's answer, Wu Youyou really wanted to roll her eyes to the back of her head - pull it down, Ling Jingyi! You didn't make me stand up because you were worried!

    You are just pretending!

    But Wu Youyou resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She couldn't demolish Ling Jingyi's stage in front of many people in the Ling residence.

    When the audience heard Ling Jingyi's explanation, they couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement!

    This is true love between the second master and the second grandmother! !

    Only true love can make a man who has been in a wheelchair unable to walk upright for many years burst into inhuman potential and suddenly regain his health! !

    Invincible love! !


    In surprise everyone and Xinxian attention, Wu Jing Ling patted yo instrument shoulder, asked him: "hold enough yet a lot of people looking at it?."

    Is such a reminder lengthy Wu, Jing Ling instrument stiff hug After a while, Wu Youyou was released.

    Wu Youyou blushed and looked at her husband, then raised her hand and straightened the official hat for him: "Look at you, you are running so fast, your appearance is messed up."

    Seeing the official hat on Ling Jingyi's head, the captured Cavalry Captain discovered the problem later.

    But his jaw was dislocated and he couldn't speak at all.

    Wu Youyou sorted out Ling Jingyi's appearance, and then turned to look at the captain of the riding commander who was tied to the ground by Wu Hua Da, and said two words to him with very obvious lips -

    stupid, stupid.

    The Captain of the Cavalry saw Wu Youyou's lips.

    He immediately blushed with anger and had a thick neck, but he couldn't say a word.

    In the end, he could only roll his eyes and faint.


    Mrs. Ling, this day was a day of joy and sorrow.

    The sad thing is that the eldest son did something stupid, and the eldest daughter-in-law, whom she liked very much, decided to leave in a fit of anger; the happy thing was that the second son, who had been in a wheelchair for several years, suddenly stood up because he heard that the second daughter-in-law was in danger. ! !

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