Chapter 153

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Chapter 153 The big sister just wants to learn [seven]

    The mid-term exam is just around the corner, even though Wu Youyou's accuracy rate has been quite high in recent times, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

    Wu Youyou knows that there is still a gap between simulation and practice. She was worried that she would not perform well on the spot.

    Ling Xi saw Wu Youyou's lack of confidence. So, he comforted her and said, "Yuyou, the questions in our school's mid-term exam are generally not too difficult. According to your practice situation, you can easily handle it. Don't be too nervous."

    Ling Xi's words were like Has a unique magic. After he finished speaking, Wu Youyou's tense emotions really relaxed a lot.

    But Wu Youyou was still a little worried: "Really?"

    Ling Xi nodded: "Really. In the third middle school, the midterm exam is easy, and the final exam is difficult. I don't want students to dampen their self-confidence during the midterm exam. I hope the students will not relax after the final exam, and keep studying during the holidays."

    Ling Xi explained it well, and Wu Youyou believed it.

    A smile appeared on her face again: "That's good!"

    Ling Xi couldn't help being startled by Wu Youyou's smile.

    Gu You's appearance is bright and beautiful, with deep eyebrows and a high nose bridge. When he doesn't speak, he has a fierce aura that is not angry and arrogant, which is daunting.

    But when she smiled, her eyes and eyebrows were bent into crescents, and the corners of her mouth split open, revealing cute little tiger teeth, bright eyes and white teeth, diluting her cold temperament.

    Especially when he was with Ling Xi, Wu Youyou laughed like a child who got candy every time.

    Wu Youyou's smile hit Ling Xi's heart.

    He couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth with her.

    "Yuyou, if you pass 90 points in all subjects in the mid-term exam, then I'll treat you to ice cream, how about that?"

    Ling Xi said with a smile.

    Wu Youyou glanced at Ling Xi pretending to be angry, and snorted: "Who do you look down on?! Do you think I can only get 90 points in the test?! I ask for a higher standard - if I pass 100 in all subjects in the midterm test, please I eat ice cream! Otherwise, I'll invite you!"

    "100 points?" Ling Xi raised a heroic eyebrow, nodded, "Deal!" ——Preparing

    for the

    mid-term exam, Qinglong Gang... um no, Qinglong is studying The members of the group held a grand practice banquet for Wu Youyou on the school's track and field.

    Seeing that the grass on the track and field was full of various fruit snacks, cakes, beers, lit fairy sticks and banners with gold characters on a red background, Wu Youyou felt a "# ".

    I saw that the banner was written in huge cursive characters - "Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, the eldest sister will return triumphantly!"

    Wu Youyou: "..."

    MD! This posture! Why does it make me feel like I'm going to the guillotine? !

    Where did Gu You get so many silly little brothers? !

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