Chapter 142

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Chapter 142 Harm! Cultivation of immortals is not the same thing [Twenty-six]

    Hearing Ling Changting's affectionate confession, Wu Youyou only felt that her heart that was erratic in the sky had found its home and landed steadily.

    She turned around, her bright eyes were full of determination: "Master, I'd like to be with you." When

    Wu Youyou's voice fell, Ling Changting let go of her hand.

    Feeling that his hands were empty, Wu Youyou's heart couldn't help but follow.

    But then, she was hugged by Ling Changting and hugged her tightly.

    The empty heart was quickly filled up again.

    Although Ling Changting didn't say anything, Wu Youyou could sense his excitement from his slightly trembling arms.

    It turns out... Master is also nervous.

    Thinking about it, Wu Youyou couldn't help but smile, raised her hand to wrap around Ling Changting's waist, and snuggled into his arms.

    "Master, you have to remember what you said today."

    "Well, I will definitely treat you well in my life."

    "Not this. Yes—we will never be separated in this life."     "


The pair of lovers finally pierced the layer of window paper and confirmed each other's feelings. Mao Da and Mao Er exchanged a smug look, and then left the scene silently.


    the way back to the cave, Wu Youyou couldn't help but ask Ling Changting: "Master, what is the inappropriate timing you said... What is it?"

    Hearing Wu Youyou asking, Ling Changting stepped slightly. After a while, she squeezed Wu Youyou's hand firmly, holding her even tighter: "You are thin-skinned, I'm afraid you will be embarrassed if I say it."

    Wu Youyou didn't think about it that much, and when he heard Ling Changting's words, he retorted without hesitation: "I'm not what you imagined! Besides, I'm already with you, what else is there to be embarrassed about? "Really ?

    " Ling Changting turned his face to look at Wu Youyou with a smile on his face, and said, "Then I'll just say it?"

    "You say it!" Wu Youyou looked like she didn't care, " Let me hear it, what is there to be embarrassed about!"

    "Okay." Ling Changting responded to Wu Youyou, and then told the truth, "Actually, during the ten days when I passed out, I His consciousness is clear, but he can't move his body or open his eyes."

    Wu Youyou was slightly startled by Ling Changting's words.

    After a while, Wu Youyou realized what Ling Changting meant by this, and only felt a "Boom" in his head, and then, the whole person became a mature hero.

    "Ah, ah, this, this..." Wu Youyou stammered suddenly, "Don't you... know everything?"

    Wu Youyou's reaction amused Ling Changting.

    Ling Changting reached out and pinched Wu Youyou's little nose lightly, and teased her with a smile: "I said that I'm not thin-skinned, look at you, how blushing you are."

    Wu Youyou seemed to be angry Fei glanced at Ling Changting angrily, and asked him angrily: "Since you all know, why are you acting like you're nothing these days?!"

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