Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 Harm! Cultivation is not the same thing [2]

    Hearing the three words "Situ Jun", all the people present couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

    Who is this Situ Jun?

    Wu Youyou quickly rummaged through the memory of the original owner, Tu Youyou, and found out the origin of Situ Jun.

    It turned out that Situ Jun was the eldest disciple of Lu Qixianmen Gu Wangshu, and he was also a leader among the immortal cultivators of the same generation. The spiritual treasure he used was a jasper leopard pen. Because of his handsome appearance and great mana, he was called "Jade Face Scholar" Situ Jun.

    After recalling Situ Jun's resume, Wu Youyou hurriedly turned his attention to Situ Jun's face.

    Seeing that he was born with a face like a crown of jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a dangling nose, red lips and white teeth, and a graceful appearance of Shijia's son, Wu Youyou couldn't help but nodded secretly - the name of "Scholar with a Jade Face" is not enough. True to its name.

    At this time, seeing Situ Jun's appearance clearly, Di Chunying and several other girls in the cardamom age couldn't help but blushed. They wanted to see Situ Jun but didn't dare to look at him openly, so they secretly looked at him from the corner of their eyes. .

    Situ Jun had long been accustomed to the admiring gazes of the girls.

    Raising his eyebrows arrogantly, Situ Jun said again: "Now all those who participated in the first round of trials have ended their trials - this time, a total of 527 people participated in the introductory trial of Lu Qixianmen, and 17 people finally passed. Now that all 17 of you have come forward, I'll give you a fairy tale test." As soon as

    Situ Jun's words fell, the testers who had scattered around to watch Di Chunying swarmed up and surrounded Situ Jun like Tietong.

    Wu Youyou didn't like to join in the fun with them, so she stood far away outside the encirclement, holding hands, waiting for Situ Jun's next arrangement.     "Next, I will use this bamboo hat to test all of you,"     Situ Jun said.     Hearing Situ Jun's words, Wu Youyou couldn't help twitching at the corners of her mouth.     What the hell? ! Could it be that this is a copy of HP's Sorting Hat? ! It was also locally improved into a bamboo hat? !

    Surrounded by the crowd, Situ Jun immediately frowned. Taking out the pen of Lingbao, Jade and Leopard, Situ Jun waved the pen lightly at the crowd, and everyone felt that a gust of wind was coming, and it was blown away in an instant.

    Seeing that all the ground around him was empty, Situ Jun put away the Lingbao, turned his palm over, and transformed into a bamboo hat.

    As soon as Wu Youyou finished complaining, Situ Jun threw the hat in his hand into the air.

    I saw that the bamboo hat was thrown to the top, and it turned into the size of a water tank with a "swoosh".

    At the same time, a silver-white light shot out from the Lu Qixian gate behind Situ Jun, and hit the bamboo hat with a slap.

    When the silver light flashed away, the bamboo hat was already firmly suspended in the air at half a person's height, and the hat shell was filled with a pocket of clear water. The water was crystal clear, rippling slightly in the sunlight.

    Seeing that Shimizu didn't seep through the gaps in the hat, some people present involuntarily let out a surprised voice.

    In the face of this watertight hat, Wu Youyou was very calm.

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