Chapter 159

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Chapter 159 The eldest sister just wants to learn [Thirteen]

    Wu Youyou's hug came too suddenly. Before Ling Xi could react, she smelled a faint scent of grass and rushed into her arms, and then sank on her shoulders. Wu Youyou was already hanging on his chest like a little rabbit. body.

    Ling Xi only felt a "click" in his head, as if something had snapped.

    In Ling Xi's blank mind, there was only one thought left -- it turns out... girls are sweet and soft...

    When Ling Xi was in a daze, the classmates on the side also collectively said "Wow— -" exclaimed.

    Although No. 3 Middle School did not explicitly prohibit students from falling in love, Gu You and Ling Xi were too blatant! ! In the public, they actually hugged them together? !

    Wu Youyou was immersed in the joy of being able to join Class 187, completely unaware of the strange gazes from the students next to her.

    And Ling Xi's thinking was rigid for a short while.

    After a while, he raised the corners of his mouth, raised his hands, supported Wu Youyou's back, who was jumping and jumping, and patted her gently: "Congratulations, Yoyo! We are going to be classmates!"

    — ——The

    story of Wu Youyou and Ling Xi hugging in the corridor reached Lao Xue's ears, making Lao Xue so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

    However, one of them made rapid progress and was ranked 72nd in the grade, while the other remained stable and held the throne of No. 1 in the grade. Lao Xue did not dare to criticize them too harshly, for fear of affecting their performance.

    But it's not enough if you don't say it. Old Xue can only educate him in private, so that Wu Youyou and Ling Xi can always remember that they are still high school students, and don't be too intimate in front of their classmates! !

    If you want to kiss and hug or something, you can find a place where no one is there to do it!

    Lao Xue's education made Wu Youyou and Ling Xi wonder whether to laugh or cry.

    But the two of them tacitly did not clarify in front of Lao Xue, saying that they were not in a relationship.

    Before that, because Wu Youyou and Ling Xi got close, the students of City No. 3 Middle School also discussed the gossip between them. At that time, everyone guessed that Wu Youyou was chasing after Ling Xi and wanted to use her identity as a school bully to force Ling Xi into submission! Ling Xi was forced by Wu Youyou's obscenity and prestige of the evil forces, so she could only compromise and obey her.

    Now that the final exam results are out, seeing Wu Youyou hug Ling Xi excitedly, and Ling Xi gently responded to her hug, the gossip-loving classmates have new ideas--isn't this a forced take? A robbery, but a love story of helping each other and going hand in hand? !

    Let's spread it out a little more. Could it be that Ling Xi used love to indulge Wu Youyou, the eldest sister of the underworld who went astray, and guided her to abandon the darkness and become a new person? !

    If this is the case, then the power of love is too great, right? ! How could Wu Youyou, a top student who has never taken the domestic college entrance examination courses, achieve a qualitative leap from 0 points to more than 600 points, and then to 802 points in less than one semester? !

    From junior college to second book to 985, this is not just three consecutive jumps, but ten consecutive jumps! !

    This terrifying boost speed!

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